
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 04:44:26
Do you speak English?I couldn't understand a word!这啥意思? Being excited,she couldn't say even a word.前面为什么要用being,去掉可以吗? what do you think of__(today)talk show? I thought she was famous,but none of my friends have _________ heard of her.even ever just never I thought she was famous ,but none of my friends__heard of her (even/ever)答案是ever为什么不是even ____Chinese well,she makes many Chinese speak b.speaking c.speak 句子:open the door (with) a knife make kites (out of)wood这里的with .out of 有什么区别啊 .怎么用,讲清楚,再给几道例题和答案讲解 The three men____police uniform try to open the door with a knife and it___.A.with,work B.with,works,woks,work He is using a knife____(open)the door. I'am a survivor I'am not gon' give up是哪首歌的歌词?花栗鼠有唱过 可是原唱是谁? 为什么这里的am是不及物动词?I am a college student.am后面直接跟了宾语,不应该是及物动词吗? what time 和 when 的用法有什么不同 -成语搭配货真价实的 品格坚贞不屈的 节目不可逾越的 奸商短小精悍的 障碍 who do you___ ___is the best basketball player in China?用think of 还是think about Who do you think is the best basketball player in China.请帮忙分析句子成分结构. 用什么办法记英语最快?有什么好办法提记忆能力?记单词跟短句. 我希望你是我独家的记忆用英语怎么说如题 l like like swimming ,too把两句合并 搭配成语5各干 净 朋 友 颜 色 手 脚 空 室 Do you like going swimming or hiking?为什么swimming hiking?不是前面有Do就要用动词原型的吗?不是前面有Do就要用动词原型的吗?我知道like是要加动词ing.矛盾. Do you like go swimming in summer?这里为什么go不加ing 如何快速背诵古文啊.背的速度很快的,比如说那个与朱元思书 我背了俩天 只是勉强能背出内容.别人一晚上就背的很熟 有什么方法啊 怎样能很快的背下要求背诵的文言文希望知道的哥哥姐姐们教教小弟 为什么我的记忆力不好,特别是语文古文觉得很难背,英语还可以背,希望你们帮我解答 重庆今晚(2011.5.29)是9点过降雨.错了,是10点过. 请问有没有什么成语可以形容人与风景很搭配的呢?就是只要成语,思来想去好象想不到, terrible和horrible有什么区别?举例的. terrific与splendid区别 terrifying和terrific的区别?请具体说出他们的不同,区分点在哪里等等 They were walking in the forest when they heard a (terrifying,terrific) roar which made their blood freeze. terrific和good的区别.terrific有最高级吗(为什么没有) What's his favourite sport?怎么回答 回答动词要不要加ing favourite加动词原形还是动ing形式