
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 13:39:19
1、设函数f(x)=2-(x+3)/(x+1)开根号的定义域为A,g(x)=lg[(x-a-1)(2a-x)],(a 王老师你好:2012人教版GO FOR IT 七年级英语下册课本mp3录音材料, 在三角形ABC中,角A,角B,角C所对的边长分别为a.b,c,设a,b,c满足条件b^2+c^2-bc=a^2和c/b=1/2+根号3,求角A和tanB的值. 求2012新版人教版GO FOR IT 磁带录音(MP3格式),能有LRC更好, 在三角形ABC中,a、b、c是角A、角B、角C的对应边长.已知b平方=ac,且a平方-c平方=ac-bc 求:bsinB/c的值.(注:分子是bsinB,分母是c) 求证:关于x的方程ax2+bx+c=0有一根为1的充要条件是a+b+c=0 已知X>0,函数y=2-3x-4/x的最大值? 1.____do you go to Macau?------Sorry,I've never been there.A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How soon2.The plane _____ at 10:00 this morning.A.is beginning B.is starting C,started D.B and C3.The wind is so hard and I feel _____ cold.A.a kind of B.ki 八年级英语几道选择题 人教版新目标Go for it英语九年级配套磁带录音免费下载 GO FOR IT七年级上册英语磁带的录音哪里有啊RT 求函数f(x)=2x^3+3x^2-12x-4在区间(-3.4)上的极值与最值 go for it英语新目标初三的录音【下载】【清晰】 免费注意是【下载】啊 清晰 最好跟磁带上的一模一样 需要邮箱的话请说一声 如果实在没有请告诉我哪里有卖这种录音的光盘的 叫什么名 总 已知方程组7X+3Y=4,5X-2Y=M-1的解能使等式4X-3Y=7成立.求原方程的解和代数式M的平方-2M+1的值 求极值和取值范围, 求函数f(x)=1+3x-x³的极值, 高二一个英语选择题.I was blessed with a happy childhood ,_____ most people would want to have.A oneB thatC whatD when 请帮忙作这套英语试题4七、阅读理解(20分)ADick is seven years old,and his sister is five.One day,their mother takes them to their uncle’s house to play and then she goes to buy something.The children play for an hour(小时),and 请帮忙作这套英语试题3六、完形填空(10分)Mike: Hello, Kate! Do you want 1________ milk?Kate: No, thanks. I don’t like 2___C¬¬¬¬¬¬_________.Mike: Don’t you? I like it very much, and 3____________ good for 请帮忙作这套英语试题2五、连词成句.(10)1.where my is game computer________________________________________(?)2.the is clock his table on________________________________________ (.)3.under it the is chair________________________________ 请帮忙作这套英语试题1三、 单项选择.( )1.---Is this ____ computer?---Yes._____ is _____computer.A.his; It; me B.your; This; his C.you; It; his D.your; It; my( )2.---How do you spell “ring”?---___________.A.R-I-N-G B.A ring C.It’s 三道初中英语单项选择1.It's a cecret between us.Don't tell anybody.Sure,_________.A.I do B.I don't C.I will D.I won't2.I prefer to_____at home rather than_____for a walk.It's raining heavily.A.staying,going out B.stay ,going outC.stay,go out 1、 I was late for the meeting .I ____ the road was so icy.A don't think B hadn't thought C wasn'tthinking D hasn't thought2/ As a student ,you should bear ___in mind that knowledge is power.A it B which C that D /求翻译3/ By 2010 ,water users in 有没有人会做 有没有人会做啊 有没有人可以做? 有没有人可以告诉我该怎么做我觉得自己在爱情方面非常的神经质,就是我会把很多精力放在里面,然后把对方管得很紧,他去哪里,他和谁去吃饭,什么我都要问清楚,最严重的是我疑心很重,我就 英语翻译1:how long does it take the moon to travel once around the earth?A:20hours B:28days C:12months 2:how long does it take the earth to turn once on its axis?A:20hours B:12hours C:6hours 3:why is electrical wiring usually made fro copper?A:be 新目标英语磁带里没有3A,怎么办?不会读就不能背啊...不问别人,几乎都不会读=_= 英语翻译1.父母爱子女是人类的天性(human)2.小偷用刀威胁她,然后抢走了她的手提包(threaten)3.他用一生为人权而战斗(campaign) 新目标英语八年级下38页3a、 已知函数f(x)=aInx+bx的4次方-c(x>0) 在x=1处取得极值-3-c,其中a,b,c为常数1.试确定a,b的值2.讨论函数f(x)的单调区间3.若对任意x>0,不等式f(x)≤-2c²恒成立,求c的取值范围