
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 03:37:45
十二生肖 寿命最长的动物是哪一种?十二生肖 当中寿命最长的动物是哪一种? 法海你不懂爱雷峰塔会掉下来什么意思? 英语作文:what will l be how will sb be 和what will sb be like 区别?A:____ will Peter____ in ten years' time?B:He will be tall and like like 初二 英语 间接语 请详细解答,谢谢! (25 17:16:23)Mr.Li sad,"I am not a child any more ." 作文 “What will I be like” She hasn't brought ____ book with her.Will you lend her ____?A.hers,your B.her,your C.hers,yours D.her,yours I didn't lend her my book because she (buy) one in the the bookshopWhen I went there,she (borrow) one from the library I didn't go to town yesterday because it(start) snowing early in the morning Ross lost the history book,she felt ___(着急) -The book belongs to she.must I return them to her now?-No,you___ A neen't B mustn't he wanted to know when his sister would come back 为什么用would he told me he would come back soon.怎样变被动 定州英才实验中学初一五班的同学进数学优加还写不写课后提升?回答后请写下你的姓名 八一中学初一(3)班用英语怎么说? What ____!A.a great fun B.funny C.great funny D.great fun climbing the hil will be_ A great fun B.a great fun C.great funny D.very funny 英语 句型转换 (7 14:32:17)You may go swimming after you finish your homework.(改为被动语态)His father asked him why he wanted an MP4.(改为直接引语)Some fish were caught by these fishermen yesterday.(改为主动语态)th I asked my mother if she would come back soon.为什么不用that用if. If I write your name ,it will show what you will be 翻译What will it be like in the away dugout? 花为什么要节果?有因必有果 按要求完成下列句子1.She didn't know how she would go there.(改为简单句) She didn't know()()go ther2.Lisa went to the zo.Mina went to the zoo,too(同义句)Lisa went to the zoo,()()mina3.this skirt is made of cotton(对cotton提问)4.My 凤仙花是水生植物吗不要什么乱七八糟的,就要答案 解释成语的软件急 雅思口语蹲点问题雅思口语蹲点,需要了解的是自己口语教室的题目还是所有口语教室的题目都要了解?我是当天下午4点15考口语,自己还想还看下口语资料,让不考雅思的朋友帮忙蹲点这样可行 雅思口语蹲点和考题问题21号考笔试,23(周一)下午考口试听说口语一般半天换套题,那21,22考过的题23号还会遇见吗?23号下午的蹲点有用吗是说有可能第一天广州的考题第3天北京考这种吗? 关于雅思口语“蹲点”的问题我是明天下午14:00考雅思听力.1.听人家说可以“蹲点”(提前到考场外,问考完的考生),2.另外听说同一天的口语题比较接近,3.最早开始考口语的人一般是几点 雅思口语蹲点马上就要考了,31号,口语在第二天的上午9点,会不会是第一个考的呀?看来是来不及蹲点了,那题目跟31号下午考的接近吗?换题的可能性大不大?我朋友是31号下午3:35,问她会不会有 很高兴的英语单词怎么写, 你们的,英语单词怎么写,急,速求,好的有分 查十六个成语的解释有文质彬彬、仪表堂堂、虎背熊腰、身强力壮、神采奕奕、满面春风、垂头丧气、目瞪口呆、健步如飞、活蹦乱跳、大摇大摆、点头哈腰、低声细语、巧舌如簧、娓娓动 哪里可以查到成语的解释成语的 词语的 权威的 含盖量大的