
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 23:13:20
自然发音法和字母组合发音的区别我想买一本关于“字母组合发音”的书但是搜索不到,只有自然发音法.我想知道他们的区别:推荐一本 ”字母组合发音发“的书 补充格言______,不耻下问 补充谚语1.孔雀珍惜羽毛,好人珍惜( )2.渔网遮不住阳光,谎言骗不过( )3.时间揭你短处的人,不一定是你的仇人;时常说你长处的人,不一定是你的( )4.宁可吃亏,不可( )5.谦恭待人,( 补充格言快点人非生而知之者,( )? ——师说 一鼓作气,( ),( )? ——左传 甘瓜苦蒂,( ) ? ——墨子 种 读下面每句话,人们都可以想到一个名句.根据你的理解,任选其中三句,把你想到的名句填在括号中.陶渊明那多菊花温暖了宁静深远的峰峦;李白的愁情汇成了滔滔江水;杜甫的雄心量出了泰 I love Shanghai Like Sam and May Iuse the bin Every day翻译 like sam and I love Shanghai Like Sam and May Iuse the bin Every day翻译成汉语 英语翻译是时桓冲既卒,荆、江二州并缺,物论以玄勋望,宜以授之.安以父子皆着大勋,恐为朝廷所疑,又惧桓氏失职,桓石虔复有沔阳之功,虑其骁猛,在形胜之地,终或难制,乃以桓石民为荆州,改桓 l am always hungry,l must always be fed,the finger llick,will soon tufn red.打一常见事物? when i am not using water,i always turn off the tap 中的use为什么要用进行时? 一道造句题,难死小妹了1.用下面的词语写一段话豁然开朗 千里迢迢 波澜壮阔 水天一色 海阔天空 汹涌澎湃3Q 连锁效应的造句 急死我啦 whole和all的区别是什么? all 和 whole 的区别 The peasants had nothig of __before liberation为什么用their own 不用them ,themselves 16.Tan :“Father ,may I go out and play football ”Father:“ () you () (do ) your homework ”17.All the people in the town are glad () (hear) that a famous musician (音乐家) () give a concert (音乐会) this Saturday evening18..Our teacher to 定金在英语里是怎么说的?有谁知道? the international agreement,()encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit,was signed on February27A.intendinf to B being intended C intended to Dto intend to Wang feng looked after the old woman a whole year moved us allA That B What C When DWhy维萨米 ___she looked after the old patient a whole year moves us all.A.That B.What C.When D.Why happen to have down的意思那用法呢 (2/2) to have seen意思相等呢 古文《晋书 卷四十九》的翻译,谢!就是说阮籍的那个. 英语翻译时率意独驾,不由径路,车迹所穷,辄恸哭而反.怎么翻译? 求happen to讲解我知道有个用法sth happen to sb单练习册上出现过 My father happened to meet an old friend climb to have all和whole的区别?不准复制,用自己的话说 写壮志豪情的诗句 壮志豪情的诗句还有人物 描写壮志豪情的诗句有哪些? 关于壮志豪情的词语2个