
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 04:06:39
英语翻译The distinction we observed in the way NEC and GTE conceived of themselves – a portfolio of competencies versus a portfolio of businesses – was repeated across many industries.From 1980 to 1988,Canon grew by 264%,Honda by 200%.Compare 英语翻译In more established markets,the Japanese challenge has been just as disquieting.Japanese companies are generating a blizzard of features and functional enhancements that bring technological sophistication to everyday products.Japanese car 英语翻译NEC top management determined that semiconductors would be the company’s most important “core product”.It entered into myriad strategic alliances – over 100 as of 1987 – aimed at building competencies rapidly and at low cost.In 英语翻译 英语翻译Skipping classes is one of the things that college students just do.How many of us remember the time we had to wake up for an eight o'clock class when the previous night we had been up till two?We all need our beauty sleep.Whould you choo 1.一项工程,甲单独做63天后,再由乙单独做28天即可完成,如果甲乙合作48天完成,现在甲先做42天,然后由乙来完成,问还需几天?2.新华书店新近一些故事书,第一天卖出30%,第二天卖出5%,比第一天多 请帮忙翻译一下以下两篇英语文章!很急!(一)Countey western music is very oid. It came from the United States, Canada, Ireland, and Great Britain. Country western music is a mixture of musix from all of these counteies.In the American W 英语翻译(1)When you are old ,it is good for you to have friends around.They can help you to live longer.Australian scientists said having friends around in old age can do more for life expectancy than having family members around.Friends may 英语翻译we are going to Xi an tomorrow 我明天动身去天津 翻译 求阴影部分的周长和面积.因为等级低不能上图 图片是这样的:两个边长为6cm的正方形并在一起(横放),第一个正方形的阴影部分是1/4个圆的部分,第二个正方形的阴影部分是第一个正方形余下 环形跑道问题公式.追及,相遇的!别说大道理!就要公式,全一点的! 环形跑道公式:1、同时同向出发:快车走的路程—慢车走的路程= (第一次相遇)2、同时反向出发:甲走的路程+乙走的路程= (第一次相遇) 人教版初二英语下册翻译P7页的2短文翻译谢谢了...给你多分 就是每个人之间要相距多少米的那个问题的公式! 环形跑道的公式 在一个长9厘米,宽4.5厘米的长方形铁皮上,裁取一个半径是1厘米的圆,那么可以裁几个圆? 一张铁皮长1.2米,宽0.8米,用它剪出一些直径是15厘米的圆形铁皮,最多能剪出多少个? 英语翻译 叔叔,英语怎么读是叔叔 英语翻译In the West,some people believe that personality can be predicted according to the time of the year the person was bor.From China comes the belief that the year of birth influences one’s personality.In the past century,a new belief ahs 翻译文章,不要用翻译器,语句通顺,跪求~I sat on the seat thinking of the great pain my own mother was thrown into when her father died. I saw how hard it was, and still is, for her. I wouldn’t want anyone to go through that. Sud 亲大伯的孩子用英语怎么说 帮我用英语翻译一下下面的句子不要翻译器.初三水平.O(∩_∩)O谢谢我想把鱼和兔子混合,这样我就可以得到rish.我还想把老鼠和猫混合,这样我就得到了mat.希望大家到时候都能来我的动物园参 一根电线长28米,先用去它的2分之1,再用去2分之1米,还剩( )米 英语翻译是关于火电厂底灰和粉煤灰处理的,括号里的不用翻译,人名不用翻译Bailey and Chapman (1987) studied the effect of the addition of fluoride ions on the extraction of aluminum from coal ash materials.The addition of f 一根8米长的电线,第一次剪去全长的8分之1后,剩( )米,第二次又剪去了4分之1米,这时还剩下( )米 英语翻译These are the books about which there are many other books-countless and,for the most part,forgotten. 下周同学们要去旅游英语怎么说 一根电线用去全长的2/5后再接上13米 比原来长1/4 用去多少米 一根电线第一次用去它的1/5,第二次用去2/3米,还剩13米,这根电线原长多少米?急的不行了?Ε 一根电线用去60%后再接上13米,现在的电线比原来长1/20,用去多少米?