
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 13:59:43
this is one of the most interesting books___I've read this yearA) which B)/ C) about which D)about that为什么答案是B,我选c为什么不对啊 什么时候用that ,什么时候用which呢?我知道that 有限制,但当这些限制都不存在时,用哪个呢?还有什么时候关系代词可省略啊? 关于高一定语从句it is the only reason __ he was late for .A.thatB.whyC.which D.who 但是老师说for后缺少宾语.如果去掉the very 应选用哪个答案? 基因型为AAbbCC与aaBBcc的小麦进行杂交,F1杂种形成的配子种类数和F2的基因型种类答案是8和27 8我能理解,27是怎么来的?百度到【Aa*Aa有3种,即AA,Aa,aa,Bb*Bb有3种,即BB,Bb,bb,Cc*Cc有三种,即CC,Cc,cc 总共有 基因型为AAbbCC和aaBBcc的小麦进行杂交,F1的配子种类数和F2的基因型种类数分别是多少? 秋水仙素为什么要作用于植物的''分生组织''细胞 市场总监的翻译应该用marketing chief / director / manager 那个才是最地道? 英语翻译下面还有副的director和general manager 高一的定语从句I didn't believe then at first but in fact everything ___was true.a.they saidb.what they saidc.whose they saidd.that said 江水又东,迳广溪峡,斯乃三峡之首也.峡中有瞿塘、黄龛二滩.其峡盖自昔禹凿以通江,郭景纯所谓巴东之峡,夏后疏凿者也.江水又东,迳巫峡,杜宇所凿以通江水也.江水历峡东,迳新崩滩.其间首尾 请问高一定语从句The owner ofthe cinema nedded to make a lot of improvement and employ more people to keep it running._____means spending tens of thousands of pounds.Awho B that Cas D which请简要写下过程,我同学应跟我证是A代指t 基因型为AABBCC与aaBBcc的小麦进行杂交,F1配子和F2基因型种类分别是, the Round Table是什么 let's take a fresh look at these?take a My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon,so he ________ your lecture.A.couldn't have attended B.needn't have attended C.mustn't have attended D.shouldn't have attended 棱长均为a的正四棱锥的体积为我怎么算都是 根号2a^3/12,问什么啊 应该是根号2a^3/6 如图,空间四边形ABCD,角BCD=90°,AD⊥平面BCD,BC=CD=2,AD=4,求直线AD与平面ABC所成角的正切值. 高中数学的步骤的语言表述是怎样的格式,我这方面一直不在行 1 Sin平方a+sin平方b-sin平方a*sin平方B+cos平方acos平方B 2 SIN六方A+cos六方A+3sin平方A+cos平方A3 tanA(1-cot平方A)+cotA(1-tan平方A)4(sec平方B-1)(1-csc平方B)+tanb*cotB5 (secA-cosA)*(cscA-sinA)*(tanA+cotA) 徐志摩《再别康桥》是的意象是什么? 为什么"由于【a,b】的区间可以得到y的区间(1,4]那么又y的区间等于(ma,mb]所以m的范围为(1,4】"为什么 y的区间是(ma,mb)可以推出:m属于 (1,4]? 求 if you find that your young child is telling a lie,don't worry.according的全文 And if you eat too much s ----- ,you will lose your t----- when you are still young.两个缺词填空 If you should become a millionaire one day,would you still live a simple life?Give your reasons.口语测试题目 简短点 100-200字就行 急用 急用! LY:Maybe I'm just your life a scent,but I still like you what time is now?同义句 我们是怎样过母亲节的读后感 徐志摩诗:你挥一挥衣袖,下面是什么? later in life 的意思也可写成in later life . things that truly would be useful in later life以上是课本原话.truly是副词,这里形容things,是何缘故. 有关“换位思考,律己宽人”的故事 解剖的意思