
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:40:04
帮忙将下列祈使句改为否定句~~~~小六的~~~~1.Please watch TV.2.Drink some water.3.Clean the sitting-room,Mary.4.Glve me some apples.5.Please open the windows.好象不太对 例题是:Please clean the room.变成了 You are cleaning the 快要考四级了,求推荐英语听力. 英语四级考听力么?如果四级考听力,那么要怎么练习呢? “有的人活着,他已经死了.”如( ) 举例说明有的人活着,他已经死了:意思是:骑在人民头上作威作福的人,只是躯壳活着,虽生犹死,生命毫无价值的人,有 ( )还要举例说明: 四级还需要考听力吗 “他活着为了多数人更好地活”这种人得到人民的爱戴和回报联系中国历史,展开联想. “他活着别人就不能活”,这种人没有好下场.举例说明,中国历史上的某个人.那还有“他或者为了多数人更好的活”,这种人得到人民的爱戴和回报.举例说明,也要联系中国历史. 举例说明,他活着别人就不能活,这种人没有好下场六年级每课一连20课的题目 半忙 快11!111! 联系中国历史,展开联想,各举一个例子说明下面的两种情况.1.“他活着别人就不能活”,这种人没有好下场还有第二题2.“他活着为了多数人更好的活”,这种人得到人民的爱戴和回报. 英语翻译用了谷歌的在翻译始终不知道什么意思,谁能帮翻译好一点,The implication is that we should return to the simpler days when commercial banks originate loans to households and firms and hold them on their balance sheets, 求翻译以下两篇英语作文This retelling of the old Chinese folktale is about the story of a young Chinese maiden who learns that her weakened and lame father is to be called up into the army in order to fight the invading Huns. Knowing that h 英语翻译 企业内刊卷首语怎么写 我想写一篇自己企业内部刊物的卷首语 关于对今年单位的总结 明年单位的展望的内容,请问哪有类似的参考例文.谢谢! 加强公司内部管理的卷首语标题怎么写 该如何写企业简介的卷首语呢? 英语翻译One day,the pirate Modi ate peas at his favourite restaurant with his mum.Suddenly his mum remembered they needed to go to the doctor's for a quick checkup.After the checkup,the doctor suggested that Modi should come back and get a shot.M 英语翻译On a ship,far out at sea,a sailor looks up at the sky.He sees a beautiful white bird.It is flying high up in the sky.It is an albatross (信天翁).The sailor is happy to see it.Many sailors believe that if they see an albatross,they will house 和horse 的读音一样吗 horse和hippopotamus的复数形式是什么?怎么发音?fish是不是单复数同形?它在做什么?----翻译成英文. house的复数是什么? house的复数 house与horse读音有什么区别? 英语翻译1.关于环保的:As you know,there's no enough clean water for people.So many of them lose their lives because of water.In a lot of countries,people have to cut trees for living.So there's nothing to keep water from running away.Also we 高中英语完形,阅读怎么提高? 在比例尺是1:4000000地图上……在比例尺是1:4000000地图上,量的深圳到广州的图上距离是4厘米,有两辆客车同事分别从深圳、广州,相向而行,进过4/5小时两车相遇,已知甲车每小时行90千米,乙车 在一幅比例尺是1:4000000的地图上,甲、乙两城相距4.5厘米,两辆汽车同时从甲、乙两地相向出发,2小时后相遇,已知快车每小时行50千米,慢车每小时行多少千米? 在比例尺是4000000/1的地图上,量的A,B两地的距离是3cm,一辆汽车以每小时45千米的速度从A地开出,经过几小时才能到达B地 青春校园卷首语怎么写? 三根木棒,长分别12厘米.44厘米.56厘米,把它们截成相同的小木棒,不许剩余,求每根木棒长多少厘米?一共截成几段?要算式 两个问题 house,horse加了s后的发音 英语翻译Do you know yaoming?The famous basketball star?let me tell you!YaoMing was born on December 12,1980 in China.He is 2.26m tall.when he was 18 years old,he became a member of China Bsketball Star Team.In 2000,he joined the National basketba