
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:25:38
could you tell me the way___ you found out to take care of the babies?为什么只能填that 不能填in which 在林肯当选为美国总统的那一刻,整个参议院的议员们都感到震惊.(缩句) 在林肯当选美国总统的那一刻,整个参议院的议员们都感到尴尬.这篇短文主要写了一件什么事? 在林肯当选美国总统的那一刻,林肯认为父亲的伟大是哪一句?答得好, The film is ( )now括号里应填什么介词 英语选择填空题Don't turn ( ) the fan.It's very hot.A.of B.for C.off 当林肯当选为美国总统的那一刻,整个参议院的议员们都感到震惊 缩句 entrance to the park中to 是介词还是不定式~ 某地的出口用什么介词?the exit ____to,for,of the mall.回答者请负责任,没有把握请忽视,我希望得到最正确的答案, 林肯的父亲是个鞋匠还是木匠? ( )林肯不是伟大的鞋匠,( )他从小就跟父亲学到了做鞋子的艺术 季布有啥守信的例子?千金难买季布一诺,但是季布有啥守信的例子呢? it's hard to say what we should do,因为后面的what we shoud do是从句所以要用陈述语序.我想问下像这样像这样it's hard to say that what should we 季布一诺千金的故事200字 季布著名的1-3个事迹和评价简要描述 吴国季布一诺千金故事读后感600字左右 一若千金----季布要简短简短些 there be no doubt that为什么可以用there be 句型 为什么林肯说:“我做总统永远无法让我父亲做鞋匠那样做得那么好.” what should I do to learn English还是what should I do learing English Are you s____ that this is Li Ming's books."____"应填什么Are you s____ that this is Li Ming's books."____"应填什么 Please tell them ____ their 2B pencils tomorrow.A.being B.take C.to bring D.to take 现在的义务教育是几年 Please _____ the basketball to me.A.take B.to bring C.to take D.bringI can do it well _____.A.another time B.the other time C.another times D.other times 现在学生是几年义务教育? 中国现在几年义务教育2013年九月开始是不是新初一的都是十二年义务教育? 现在到底是几年的义务教育 根据以下问题写一篇短文 Where are you going for next Sunday?Who are you going with?Where are you going to meet How are you going there?How long are you going to stay there _____ are you going camping ____?1.what,to 2.who,with 3.why,for 4.where,on 春节即将来临,你和你家人打算外出过节.Where are you going Who are you going with 现在与我国接壤的国家有多少 请问it seems that he has come back 同义句 he ____ _____ come back 的答案是什么,为什么?