
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:42:35
Who is your teacher? who is your chinese teacher实际回答是什么BIG UP的反义词 what day is it today what doyou do on sundays what do you have on tuesday what classes does mike like 的回答是什么 Is he your father?( )He is my uncle My mother looks _____but her mother looks______.A.young;young B.younger;younger C.younger;young D.young;younger 小鲫鱼怎么烧好吃? 需要什么原料,具体步骤是什么, 干烧鲫鱼的做法 一段山路长3千米,小红上山时平均每小时行2.5千米,下山时平均每小时行5千米.小红上山、下山的平均速度是多少?(保留一位小数) 小红去爬山,上山每小时行3千米,下山每小时行6千米.共用了6小时,这条山路有多长? ls she your uncle’s_?A、son B、daughter c、fathr D、sister 1、()your uncle's son and daughter 2、()things on your nose to help you to see clearly根据提示写英语3,()a female person acting in a movie4,()not safe I am a pretty good i am not a pretty girl bike I am talktive and pretty girl的意思 一座山从山顶到山脚路长36千米.一辆汽车上山,4小时后到达山顶下山沿原路返回,只用了2小时就到达山脚一辆汽车上山,4小时后到达山顶下山沿原路返回,只用了2小时就到达山脚.求这辆汽车往 一座山从山顶到山脚的路长36千米.一辆汽车上山,4小时后到达山顶下山沿原路返回,只用了2小时就到达山脚求这辆汽车往返的平均速度 小红从山脚到山顶 每分钟行20米 从山顶沿原路返回 每分钟行30米 求小红上下山的平均速度.麻烦你再打一遍 4. Maybe she looks after her mother every day.(改为同义句) She __ __after her mother every day. 小红上山时每分钟走40迷,18分到达山顶,然后按照原路下山,每分钟走60迷,她上下山平均速度是没分多少米 After work,my mother hurries tothe market every day .同义句小汽车轰然相撞.The cars _________________each other. 明明从山脚到山顶,每小时行5千米,再从山顶返回山脚,每小时行7千米.求明明上、下山的平均速度.快 Shy looks after dolphins every day.同义句Sne什么什么什么dolphins every day. nothing 和none用法的区别I'd like some orange but there is____letf in the bottle.A.no B.none C.nothing 在此选择哪个?请帮我一下, It's nothing的用法~ nothing等之类词的用法nothing等之类的词属于什么名字啊nothing的语法及用法是什么啊 The football stickers are very expensive.(改为同义句)___ ___ ___ the football stickers is ___ ___. The film tickets are very expensive.同意句.............................are very expensive 5个空 ___tusks are very expensive. 某中学八年级共600名学生,举行了一次数学测验,为了了解测验情况,从中抽取了50名学生的成绩,统计情况见频率分布表: (1)在这个问题中,总体与样本各指什么? 英语语法不好,尤其是一些有关时态和非谓语的题不会做.郁闷.1.At the age of 29,Dave was a worker ,____(live)in a small apartment near Boston and___(wonder)what to do about his future 2 ___to give up smoking,he threw away his ____ 为了了解某中学初三年级250名学生升学考试的数学成绩,从中抽取了50名学生的数学成绩进行分析,求得 .x为了了解某中学初三年级250名学生升学考试的数学成绩,从中抽取了50名学生的数学成绩