
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:45:01
( ).___ I go to school by bike.A.Sometime B.Sometimes C.Some times D.Some time 孩子要上初中了,英语成绩不是很好,想给他找个一对一,不知道济南新东方怎么样啊? 英语翻译或许我不能把钱借给你I might not ____ _____ _____ lend you the money该填什么哦? 英语翻译让我们一起来祈祷为那些正遭受苦难的人们以最快和最好为准 英语翻译请翻译全文 How many teeth?Newborn babies do not usually have any teeth.Their front teeth begin to grow when they are about six months old.Most children have all their“milk”teeth by the time they are two years old.There are 英语翻译Newbom babies do not usually have any teeth.Their front teeth begin to grow when they are about six months old.Most children have all their "milk" teeth by the time they are two years old.there are 20 teeth altogether The front teeth are 中国2010年上海世博会吉祥物海宝名字的由来 形容五彩缤纷,十分华丽的景象的四字词语 世博会吉祥物海宝的由来是什么 形容五彩缤纷,十分华丽的形象. 求形容五彩缤纷,十分华丽的形象 "对不起,我喜欢你”用粤语怎么说? 最简单的英语口语证书有哪些 He finally made himself__.1 understand 2 understood 3 understanding 4 to understand 这段话中的thinking he had not made himself understand如何理解One day,I heard an American boy say to a Chinese student of English,"You speak very good English."But the student answered,"No,no.My English is very poor."The foreigner was quite s He really wants to make himself .(understand) 填什么?为什么?谁能教我一下 英语翻译我才初一…自己翻译过来好别扭额…我也认为好像是病句…我好朋友写的…谁能在他自己的世界了解自己…?还是谁能了解他自己的世界?…我很郁闷… He's still unable to make himself____in English.为什么要填understood而不是understand? 有甲乙丙三个村庄,已知丙村在乙村北偏西30°方向,丙村在甲村北偏东20°方向,甲村在乙村西偏南30°方向现要从甲村分别向乙村、丙村各修一条公路,则这两条公路应成多少度角? 如图,有甲.乙.丙三个村庄,已知丙村庄在乙村北偏西30°方向,在甲村北偏东20°方向,甲村在乙村南偏西60°方向,现要从甲村分别向乙村和丙村各修一条公路,则这两条公路应成多少度角? “我十分健康”用英语咋说? 但他很健康 用英语说 all over the world造句 in the world all over the world啥区别啊 帮忙翻译下面的句子,并回答问题,谢谢!(1)The country's hostile conquests made all of its neighbors nervous.翻译上面句子,The country's hostile conquests什么意思?分析该句子中its的用法.(2)There is a team of writer 英语翻译Because the majority of the bands are large and asymmetric,presenting also some shoulders,a deconvolution of the experimental spectra was necessary. 英语翻译What do we eat with? 英语翻译Dennis Rodman,the muscular,tattooed,and much ballyhooed player formerly of the Chicago Bulls,makes headlines whenever he pulls another of his crazy but fun-loving publicity stunts意思的话我知道,关键是那个formerly的用法我 为进一步建设秀美、宜居的生态环境,某村预购买甲、乙、丙三种树美化村庄,已知甲、乙、丙三种树的价格之比为2:2:3,甲种树每棵200元,现计划用210000元资金,购买这三种树共1000 棵.(1)求 为进一步建设秀美、宜居的生态环境,某村欲购买甲、乙、丙三种树美化村庄,已知甲、乙丙三种树的价格之比为2:2:3,甲种树每棵200元,现计划用210000元资金,购买这三种树共1000棵. (1)求 为进一部建设秀美、宜居的生态环境,某村欲购买甲、乙两种树美化村庄,已知甲乙两种树的价格之比2:3, He had to give up ____the football match because he had his leg injured in the accidenta. taking part in b.took park in c.to take part in d. take part in 请选择 并解释