
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:55:53
施耐德塑壳开关nsx 里tm 40 d什么东东 施耐德NSX、NS系列断路器的合闸时间分别是多少? 请问施耐德断路器中的NSX NS NSE EZD有什么分别? NSX和NS有什么区别 施耐德 什么叫限制性定语重句和非限制性定语重句? 用定语或名词性从句合并下面的句子把,Some people think that money means everyting.They think money can buy everythink in the work 请问什么时候用非限制性定语从句,为什么用限制性定语从句就可以吧句子的意思表达出来但还要用呢?比如这题:1 My best friend is a great sports fan,I see her every day.答案是:My best friend,I see every day 英语翻译By the same token,Italy’s position is now markedly worse than that of Spain,which until this summer had been seen as the country most likely to succumb after Greece,Ireland and Portugal. 猥琐是北京话吗?用北京话应该怎么来形容 我想学北京话 有什么软件可以教我学北京话? He promsed ________ hard after the parent-teacher meeting.选择A.to studying B.will have C.studying D.study We will hold a _____ meeting next week.A .parents B.parent c.parents' D.parent's选什么,并说理由 teacher-student-parent relationship的意思 will jim invite his parents to the parent's meeting?是什么意思? the teacher are haveing a meeting.对划线部分a meeting that's not what it You should be aware of what it means还是aware that what it means?如题 英语中多个后置定语的排列顺序 what it meansYou have been asked to give a presentation to a group of students explaining the composition (make up),management and usage of the Retail Price Index and its variations.Using a maximum of 20 bullet points and a maximum of 20 words on eac 英语什么是定语? 仿写句子.如:A是一坐金字塔,是进取.B是两颗联结在一起的心,是友谊,C是未满的月牙儿,是缺憾.越多越好哦,不要重复的哦~ 仿写句子 A是一座金字塔,是进取. B是两个贴在一起的心,是友谊. C是未满的月牙儿,是缺憾. 1. It was after he got what he had desired _________ he realized it was not so important. A. that B. when C. since D. as It was after he got what he had desired ___he realized it was not so important.选that,为什么不选when呢 it was after he got what he had wanted that he realized it was not so impor 翻译 汉语中的多项定语排列顺序不明白比如:1.这是他曾经看过的两本书.2.这是他的两本曾经看过的书.3.这是两本他曾经看过的书.4.这是曾经他看过的两本书.同样要表述的一句话,我把定语颠倒来 在“战士”前面有五个定语,排列顺序正确的一项是( )1这 2师部 3几名 4老 5参加过抗美援朝的 A21453 B21354 C25134 D13254 北京话和普通话有哪些区别? 北京话和普通话的区别举例说明 Chérie,Je t'aime,Tu me manques,Mais vous blesser,Je suis désolé 求 正确翻译~ Je suis désolé, Je t'aime什么意思啊麻烦高手说下...一个人告诉我的...但又不说什么意思..晕 英语翻译请问这句话意思是什么?