
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:32:22
英语4个填空题1.Amy is learning (紧靠) a chair,He seems to be tired out..2..Millie is trying her best to raise her English to a higher (等级).3.It’s said that it is easy to (续借) the books from our school library.4.Can you see the ( 4个英语填空题1:touists 2:freeze 3:check in 4:browse 5:delete 6:fares 7:reserveAt the airport.John:I'm looking forward to our trip!Did you remember the tickets?Maria:We pick them up here.I used computer to (1)_______our seats.John:Really?Can you 4题英语填空题用适当的词填空1.Will the person who took my ruler please give it( )to me?2.When my children grew up,I gave all their toys( ).3.When do we have to give( )our compositions?4.We were losing the battle but we did not give( ). 不撞南墙不回头上一句是什么 为什么说“不撞南墙不回头” 东莞市麻涌镇在哪学英语好 如何写出一笔好字 如何写出一手好字就像这种,怎么写啊 单项选择.,英语 左手扶墙右手忙什么意思? 谁有作文《我的小天地》 作文 500字,我2月22晚上要交了! 以“假象”为话题的议论文求大神帮助 给一个以方法为话题的议论文大神们帮帮忙把范文写出来 合约条款,Co-Packer will pay for the difference,if any,between the Price payable and the totalcosts payable by XXX to the alternative supplier which supplies the Products.其中的difference是什么意思,还有希望能全句翻译一下.是否 以“头发长未必见识短”为话题的议论文大神们帮帮忙急用! So do I什么意思? so do i 是什麽意思 这题为什么选a可以给我讲解一下吗! The coat costs 1000yuan. Oh,dear!Does it coat——? A so expensive as that B as much as thatC as espensive as thatD so much as that 英语翻译1.No one knows who ( ) to light the fire in our coming school sports meeting.A.chooses B.is chosen C.will choose Dwill be chosen2.Please ( )me up eight after you( )back.A.rang,have come B.ring,will come C.rang,come D.ring,come3.I was How much is the coat?同义句:How much____ you _____on the coat?(顺便解释下why) How much is the coat 等于什么 How much is the coat?能改成别的句子吗(意思不变)? 同义句转换 He no more wants to spell his name.===He -----want to spell his name----- ------. DO是谁,exo是神马? 与everything i do i do it for you相似的老歌有神马 He wants to go to Norway,__has more mountains than Sweden.A.that B.what C.which D.where 能不能再给我想个 关于意气的议论文 So do I 和 So I do 是so的什么用法? 投笔从戎( )、约法三章( )、完璧归赵( )、闻鸡起舞( )是谁? 闻鸡起舞 百步穿杨 慷慨悲歌 横槊赋诗 洛阳纸贵 画龙点睛 于这些词有关的历史人物都有谁正确!具体! 问一个关于六级估分的事我是今年12月考的.听力做的很差对了11个,单词7个,句子算1个吧(写了2个,另一个写了半句),快速阅读对了9个,回答阅读对了3个,仔细阅读对了8个,完形对了15个,翻译2个