
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 00:25:36
跪求 成功英语阅读1的答案速度是金,快一点必须要答案,其他一律不给分。 成功英语阅读1的第28 篇的答案是什么? (z/sinz)的二阶导数 为什么arctgz的导数等于1/(1+z^2) 求函数z=x^2-y^2在点(1,1)沿任意方向的方向导数,给出方向导数取最大值、最小值时的方向 PERSONAL歌词的中文大意.片尾曲..上户彩唱啲..摆脱嘞.. personal strengths 的中文意思? 求Personal jesus歌词的中文解释.最好是上边一句英文下边一句中文的. how much is the watch(同义句) 泰星ken,亲们了解多少啊?知道的请与我分享,最近迷上他了! My father worked day and night in order to make more money.(改为同义句)My father worked day and night __ __ __ __ make more money. .since many of them worked during the day,bill had to get the money at money at night.sometimes when bill was ill ,his elder brother had to deliver the newpapers .once his his father had to help him 中文翻译 26.Hard as he worked from day till night,___he couldn't make enough money to support his family.A.and B.but C.therefore D./ 英语翻译Hard as he worked from day till night,() he couldn't make enough money to support his family.A andB butC thereforeD 不填为什么选它? 这是一条活鸟.是不是下面两种说法都对:This is a live bird.//This is a living bird. Much______(do)now by the government to improve our environment The soldier raised his gun and calmly ______ it at the enemy commander,fired.为什么填aiming 英文单词soldier什么意思. 给亲友写封信,告诉他在小学阶段,你难以忘怀的一个人或者一件事.些人要通过某件事,不少于450字是学校里的,1小时内 英语翻译上面这句话有问题吗.如果用词不准应该怎么改? 英语翻译Incidents such as the Walsh street killings-two constables were shot down in what was appearly a vendtta against police-have heightened awarness of the police as targets.Many believe that there is less to fear from extended police powers 英语翻译穷人把自己的境况归因于贫穷是过时的.或:穷人之所以贫穷是因为背景,这种观点是过时的.答案是穷人之所以贫穷是因为背景,这种观点是过时的。我是想问为什么 英语翻译哪位大侠知道It is their reduction to commercial practice that makes news and money.怎么翻译的啊? Soldier use gun,__general gives orders.A.and B.but C.still D.thus请问填哪个合适? That is the exact number of students present.主要对students present不太理解.把present放在students前面行吗? (1/4) One of the illusions of life is that the present hour is not the a reporter for a ffashion magazine翻译 may i k( ) your name 英文求教beside前面加什么词,i am beside you "单词真功夫"真的有用吗?你学了多久了?现在单词量有多少了呢? 在21世纪服务贸易的发展已成为国际贸易中引人注目的崭新领域,现代服务贸易在知 国际经济与贸易当今就业怎么样单证的工资怎么样?