
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:33:00
“横幅上写着欢迎的标语”如何翻译? 女性各个手指带戒指分别代表什么含义? 三道题目都希望能有人求出来 男女5个手指指带戒指的各个含义?我知道右小指是 我是单身 的意思 在家给孩子辅导,但是有些问题,1.从九点到十二点,我一共给7在家给孩子辅导,但是有些问题,1.从九点到十二点,我一共给720棵苹果树喷了药水.平均每时喷多少棵?2.三年级有五个班的同学参加踢 被动语态和过去分词表被动的区别,为什么有的过去分词可以表被动,不需要be动词? 请英语高手找出下列句子的错误,并在横线上改正.1.I is form America.A B C 2.Good afternoon,mr Black.A B C3.Who that man A B C [英语]找出下列句子的错误并改在横线上i really do not know what to do it ___________he has come here for two days _____________we are happy to hearing from you ______________you should taking come medicine ________________she often hel 找出下列句子中的错误,并在句后横线改正 英语 1.( )Mr.Black isn't going to(A) stay in(B) our school (at) long._______2.( ) Alice arrived in(B) our school by( B) bus half an hour ago_________3.()Would you like playing(A) again 下面10句英语句子找出错误并改正 father enjoys fresh air ,sunshine,and to take long walks.2.the class teacher is pleased to know some of his students have made great can't make him works long hours a day4.won't that b 哥哥姐姐些:帮我写《站在高中门口》作文嘛! 站在...的门口为题的高中作文求一篇RT的议论文或者记叙文,不要普遍抄袭的 如果喜欢你是一个错误,那么我希望一错再错!用英文怎么说啊!求高手告知下,谢谢, 请高人帮忙检查这段英语有错误没 有的话改一下 Every second,there are thousands of fantastic things passing through our life.But we always ignore them,if someday,you find those special ones.Do cherish the wonderful moment. 帮忙看一下这个小故事有没有任何的语法错误,麻烦帮改正一下.The Old Cat An old woman had a cat.The cat was very old; she could not run quickly,and she could not bite,because she was so old.One day the old cat saw a mouse; she j 英语高人找错误!请帮我改下面一段话的错误!Jane told me you are change your job in a art decoration company last time.So suddently I have a idea,I don’t know it’s possible for you,that I can provide some oil paintings for you.So y 作文《站在什么的门口》 Look at this picture___________.Yes,it's a picture of the zoo.里面填什么? 初中英语改错题 下列句子或对话中均有一处错误,请找到并在后面的横线上改正1 All of the two DVDs are very interesting,so I don't know which one to buy.2—The pet cat in your hands is very nice.Is it your?—Yes,but I'll 找出各句中的错误并改写在横线上.1.---Is it your pen?----yes,its.________________2.He is in class Nine,Grade Seven._________________________】 作文,我站在 门口 初二英语题 希望广大博学的网友 给我讲讲原因 翻译一下句子1____fine weather it is today! A.How B.How a C.What D.What a2. The rain will stop l____on3.We didn't have enough money ____ the ticket ,so we didn't see the B The reason why he was late was true . 急!英语高人帮我看看,这么写有错吗?She has begin her own quietness.Simple.Sure. 英语翻译1.年轻人有时会抱怨无法和父母沟通.the teenagers sometimes complain that they can not comunicate with their parents2.我想他很快会回来,因为他答应和我一起吃饭.i think that he will come back soon,because he pr 英语高人进,写几句信我收到了她的求职信,但是这女士没有给我邮寄她的简历啊.我需要她给我寄她的CV,让我能知道她的经历是不是符合我公司的要求,我该怎么用英语给她写呢? 求《我站在XXX门口》作文,求求求求求! 在国外公司名称后的AG是什么的缩写呢?例如:Basler AG 星际争霸里的ag 什么的缩写? 什么单词后面是ag? 希望您多多指导,英语怎么说 ag'in是什么单词的缩写