
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:49:16
There are some k后应添什么 on the room. I saw some villagers_____on the bench at the end of the roomA.seatingB.seatC.seatedD.seated themselves 因式分解4(a-b)^2-8a+8b 数列的学霸~求解题过程~ y=1-3x的单调区间是什么? 两道数列的题,求详细的过程和大致思路,看了解析以后还是不太明白…… There is a forest in the park(变为否定句) there is a flower(改为否定句) There are some flowers and trees in the park(对划线部There are some flowers and trees in the park(对划线部分提问)划线的是some flowers and trees 用is或are填充.There_many flowers in the park.There_some honey in the bottle. There are some flowers in the park.(改为单数句) 請学霸们数列 数列,学霸在何处? 一道高一数学题(求周期的)函数y=tan [2x + (π/3)] - tan [(π/6) - 2x] 的最小正周期是多少? 怎样才能在求数列的通项时最快判断出一个数列是等比还是等差数列? 游乐场中的摩天轮有8个座舱,每个座舱最多乘4人,每20min转一圈.请估算8h内最多有多少人乘坐. 根号下 2-x/3x+6 的递减区间 怎么求啊 下图是由8个同样的小正方体摆放的,在此基础上至少再添加多少个这样的小正方体才能得到一个长方体 八个小正方体怎么摆成一个较大正方体 用8个小正方体可以摆出多少个不同的立体图形 由8个同样的小正方体摆放的,在此基础上至少再添加多少个这样的小正方体才能得到一个长方体? there are some boys in the park.they are playing soccre.合为一句 No,there aren't some boys and girls in the park在否定句中用 some有错吗? the park is 【across from the library】对划线部分提问 there are some shops in our neighbors肯定回答there’s【 a pay phone 】in front of our school画线提问there is come broccoli on the table 改否定“B”has two cousins改一般 Y=sin(-0.5x+π/60)的单调递增区间 求f(x)=x+1/x的单调区间能不能用高一的知识啊! 16. 菱形ABCD中,E在BC上,AE交BD于M,AB=AE,∠BAE=二分之一∠EAD 求:BE=BM 哪些是常见的反担保措施? 高一数学题 求高手 向上的箭头指在区间内单调递增 y=3sina(π/3-2x)的单调递增区间是选项:A.[2kn-n/2,2kn+n/2] (k属于Z) B.[2kn+n/2,2kn+3n/2](k属于Z)C.[kn+5n/12,kn+11n/12](k属于Z)D.[kn-n/12,kn+5n/12](k属于Z)补充说明一下,因为圆周率那个pai打不出来,所以用“n”代 有关解三角形. 求(x^2+2x)*e^x的不定积分,