
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:09:23
萌发的近义词有哪些 山东属于哪个地形区 复合不定代词excuse me may i have---- water,please.sorry,there isn't-----ther "Man is not made for defent A man can de destroyed but not defeated! Man is not made for defeat.A man can be destroyed but not defeated.------Hemingway Man is not made for defeat,A man can not be destoryed bui not defeated!本人不懂外语请高人翻译一下 英语翻译好象是一篇寓言故事,开头几句是:杨人之邻人亡羊……? How to reduce stress?请用英文回答 英语i作文,how to reduce stresshow to reduce stress1.现代社会人们的压力与日俱增2.为什么会有压力3.如何应对压力要求120个词 ,万谢,分不是问题. 想做某事.want to do sth.的同意句. “不齿”是什么意思 “犀象齿革,贤达鉴戒,而公是之,君子以为恨”是什么意思 秦人不齿的齿是什么意思 I make up only me knows white 如数家珍造句 工商银行刷卡pos机出现77什么意思 工商银行pos机刷卡出现77是什么意思 you give me i want这句英文什么意思 spam是什么? how to understand this jokeKids can sometimes ask the toughest questions.Son:Father,Can I ask you a question?Father:Ok ask.Son:When a doctor doctors a doctor,does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored he is too young to (send /be sent )to school. Cathy volunteered ___ there instead of home.A go B.to go Cfor going Din going为什么谢谢 allow sb to do和allow doing分别怎么用?这两个短语哪个是被允许哪个是允许别人?在用作被动语态时,we are allowed to do和doing都有么? 请问,石头吸水后密度变小还是变大? i suppose we'll have to attempt to reach the shore ourselves 石头为什么不能吸水 instead,we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles,which now more than ever seen in ample supply.在这句话中的treated to fine hypocritical怎么理解? We are we suppose to receive the following orders,如何理解这是美方发给我的,有些看不懂.希望大家来帮帮翻译.表示是收到的货物不正确是吗? 石头沉入深海不破裂的原因 they中文是什么意思 xxxibgdrgn什么意思 有一个成语,忘了叫什么,但知道出处,有人知道这个成语叫什么吗?这个成语讲的是春秋战国时候,齐国(好像是)的将军打了败仗,齐王要杀那个将军,一位大臣进谏劝齐王不要杀他,大臣向齐王