
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:40:31
是内科的 COPD是什么 怎么治疗 COPD是什么病 什么是COPD? 融玮能组词吗? 玮字可以组成什么词语? G LONG BURGERS怎么样 吾闻宥座器,满则覆,虚则敧,中则正,有之乎? long的比较级不用双写g? long咋写 玮 这个字? 求讲解玮达定理.思密达. 薪能租什么词? 谁能告诉我关于宇宙的"白洞"和"空洞"的知识? √3/2sinx-1/2cosx=√3/3 cosx=? 卧室的灯光应采用什么光线啊! our soul feels lonely 还是our souls feel lonely前面的说法有语法错误吗 已知1/2cosx-(根号3)/2sinx=4\5,则sin(x-6分之派)的值 与关门捉贼意思相似的成语有哪些? 问一下天龙八部关门捉贼任务我现在是六十级武当 怎样能顺利过关 关门捉贼在生活中怎么应用 我妹妹两年前小学毕业 英汉互译My sister finished primary school () () () 片刻还可以用什么词语来替换? 煨炖这个词什么意思啊》?没有查到哎.各位帮帮忙哈~~ 短文改错 顺便翻译一下when i was four years old i got ill.i took medicine twice a day.the medicine had so a bitter taste that i took it mixed in orange juice .the problen was that i can still taste the medicine .in a particular afternoon my 英语翻译I'm sorry to know you troubles,Starting at a new school is never easy but it is important to remember that the most people in your class feel the same with you.为什么troubles改为troublethe most peoloe改为the peoplethe same with you 英语翻译no way.no way...I will do my best make me better than past timeWhen you 're gone that is not means I will sad.I've never felt this way which is made fun of me .I wonder tell you I will be fine,because I can leave alone. 哪个符号可以代表炜字简单一点 短文改错 最好翻译一下there are advantage for students to work while studying at school.One of them was that can earn money for their own use. Earning their own money allow then to spend on anything as if they piease. they would not have ask 儒家思想对现代中国社会发展的利与弊!@#如题! 英语翻译 新文化运动打倒孔子和儒家思想的利与弊如题,希望把利与弊都罗列出来,再根据正方和反方的态度提几个问题,越多越好,