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曼德拉的100字英文介绍 曼德拉的英文名言麻烦大家尽量提供哈~是英文的哈! 麻烦朋友们帮翻译一小段中译英,谢谢!中译英,谢谢……中文:1.这个Astro只在中国限量发行500个,日本是没有的.我买的是普通版,区别就是没有穿校服,但价格要便宜很多.2.以后我还会接着画一 英语翻译关于评价一幅画的优劣.我认为不是绚丽多彩.不是写实逼真.不是雍荣华贵.而是情感丰富.能让人透过一幅画窥视作者的内心.把欣赏者带入作者描绘的世界里.体会作者的体会.感受作 英语翻译进入20世纪以来,越来越多的人开始关注教育,而教育投资是否值得的问题也愈演愈烈.上图表很清楚地反映出2010年时不同受教育程度下的人群的不同收入.从中可知,收入与受教育程度 英语翻译不要各种翻译器译出来的那种,求翻译的细致一点,下附段子:我想要一只大的,有毛的狗.他可以在我开心的时候分享我的喜悦心情,可以在我不开心的时候安慰带给我温暖,可以在我无 求"Thank you for telling me about you day"的中文意思 英文Thank you so concerned about thank about什么意思 what about的汉语意思 thank you all about me thank you all about me 具体点的 典范英语6我的朋友曼德拉每个chapter帮我挑一个好句子吧,作业多的受不了了 英语翻译原文如下:据报道2010年12月30日,新泽西州纽瓦克市市长科里·布克在微博网站“推特”个人主页发帖安抚受暴风雪围困的民众,同时经由网站收集求助信息,帮助疏通道路、实施援救. 初二英语连词成句题I,and,have,I,don't,read,to,the,want,novel,read,again,it(?) 连词成句, 连词成句her,most,popular,restaurant,is,the 连词成句 连词成句1.I,mun,with,have,help,housework,to,the2.his,house,cousin's,he,is,tomorrow,going,to3.anything,say,the,have,do,to,you,meeting,at4.Mr,relaxing,Smith,vacation,a,hace,to,very,plans5.If,junk,you,you,will,too,eat,unhealthy,much,food,become 用英文怎么说“幸运女神 ”? 用英文怎么说? 求常用的形容词比较级和最高级.要全部有能力的来 连词成句 have to,time,I,friends,tomorrow,spend,my,with.the,what,after,doing,day,they,tomorrow,more第二句左后一个是 are。不是 more 英语翻译Many Chinese students think American students enjoy more freedom than them at school.But American schools also have their rules.If the students break the rules,they will get punishment,too. On the first day of a new term,128 student many chinese students think American students enjoy more freedom 急Many Chinese students think American students enjoy more freedom than them at school.But American schools also have their rules.If the students break the rules,they will be punished 英语翻译Jane is a 16-year -old high school student in the United States.American teenagers magazine asked her about her habits.Jane has a lot of good habits.She always exercises and she reads books every day.Also,she usually drinks juice and she 我不知道是什么让我一直坚持下去 用英语怎么说 我不知道这么坚持下去是对还是错 用英文怎么说 Write a passage about the school life of American students这是仁爱上有的题目谁帮帮我写个开头.较好滴 英语翻译翻译:Studying is easy for students in French middle schools.But the tests are difficult for them.The junior high school for only four and a half days every week.Every Monday,Tuesday,Thursday,and freday they study in school all day.But “校园生活”的英语单词是School Live还是School Life of the students tells me something about school life.A.every B.each· 有描写树叶的优美语句吗?越多越好描写树叶的优美语句(一定要秋天树叶的,不允许要其他的) 有关于描写树叶的句子