
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:26:00
当时只道是寻常,天长地久概率:70%—80%之间.你对他有一种难以言喻的信任和依赖感,你需要的感觉,无论是肯定、是祝福或者是安慰、是责备,总要在他那里寻找.你们是缘定今生的爱侣,你们之 谁能解释一下下面语句的意思.include int main(){int arr[]={6,7,8,9,10};int *ptr=arr;*(ptr++)+=123;printf("%d %d\n",*ptr,*(ptr++));return 0;} 解释一下下面句子的意思知己之短,必当努力,取长补之,天道酬勤! 单元自测4的答案!回答好的加100分 请问现在是第几世纪 今年是2006年为什么是21世纪,多少年一个世纪 1个世纪是100年的话,2000年那么算还有100年是怎么算的?21世纪还有10个世纪是哪里来的? 100年为一个世纪的话,为什么2001以后是21世纪而不是20世纪?为什么比实际年数多了一个单位? 为什么100年就是1世纪,今年是20次100年,就是20世纪,为什么是21世纪没有! 告诉一下下列句子的意思1、Can you tell me something about Christmas?2、What do you do on Christmas morning?3、What do you do on Christmas Eve?4、Who'sSantaclaus?5、What are you doing?6、I go to bed early.7、i'm making a card8、He's 请详细的解释一下下面每句的意思?/// /// 获取访客的会话ID /// /// private string GetGuestID() { string rGuestId = ""; if (Request.Cookies["u"] == null) { //访客第一次访问, 已知f(x)是定义在(0,+∞)上的增函数,且满足f(xy)=f(x)+f(y),f(2)=1.(1)求证:f(8)=3.已知f(x)是定义在(0,+∞)上的增函数,且满足f(xy)=f(x)+f(y),f(2)=1.(1)求证:f(8)=3.(2)解不等式:f(x)-f(x-2)>3 大雪压青松, 青松挺且直, 要知松高洁, 待到雪化时这首古诗写的什么? (大雪压青松)诗名是什么? 大雪压青松,青松挺且直.这首诗的名字是什么 麻烦分析一下下面这个句子,I discovered that the offer my (potentially) new employer has made is at the rock-bottom of the range.补上翻译:我发现:(可能的)新雇主给出的工资属于最低水平.需要分析一下这个 请帮我分析一下下面这句话的句子成分好吗?A Marxist sociologist has argued that racism stems from the class struggle that(1) is unique to the capitalist system-that(1) racial prejudice is generated by capitalists as a means of control 帮忙分析一下下面这句话As for the unfortunate people who can command everything they want ——for them a new pleasure ,a new excitement is only an additional satiation.1.为什么是is 而不是are2.“——”破折号后面的“for th "What do you think?Should wrestling stay in,especially given the other two sports that it's up against?" 已知定义在R+上的函数f(x)同时满足下列三个条件:1.f(3)= -1 2.对任意x、y属于R+都有f(xy)=f(x)+f(y) 3.x大于1时,f(x)小于0求1.f(9),f(跟号3)的值 2.解关于x的不等式f(6x) 设函数f(x)对所有x>0均有定义,且满足下列三个条件:1.函数f(x)在(0,+∞)上为减函数,2.对所有x>0,均有f(x)>1/x,3.对所有x>0,均有f(x)*f[f(x)+1/x]=1.试求函数值f(1) 设定义在R的函数f(x)同时满足以下条件①f(x)+f(-x)=0 ②f(x)=f(x+2) ③当0≦x 设定义在R上的函数f(x)同时满足一下三个条件:①f(x)+f(-x)=0;②f(x+2)=f(x);③当0<x<1时,f(x)=x/2,则f(3/2)= 鲁教版语文六年级下册课外古诗文 哪里有鲁教版六年级上册语文期中测试题呀? 鲁教版六年级语文第一课是什么 帮忙分析一下下面这句英文句子的结构what would you do if millions of citizens poured into streets demanding that you go? 请英语高手帮我分析一下下面这句话的结构,when your cargo is stuffed into a container ,it is shipped to the container yard to be loaded on board the ship according to the stowage plan! 英语翻译Thank you so much for your quick response dated March 10,2007 enclosing the deviation report for our reference 英语翻译there is strong evidence of similar solutions to the functional constraints imposed by hosts evolving independently in different fig wasp(榕小蜂) lineages. 请帮忙分析一下下面这个句子的语法结构,句子成分.The radio orchestra was founded by British occupation authorities after World War II,as Radio Hamburg was the only radio station in what would later be West Germany not to be destroy 已知定义在r上的函数y=f(x)满足条件f(x+3/2)=-f(x),且函数y=f(x-3/2)为奇函数1:函数f(x)是周期函数2:函数f(x)的图像关于点(-3/4,0)对称3:函数f(x)为r上的偶函数4:函数f(x)为r上的