
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 07:40:53
“保持清醒的状态”用英语怎么说? This is one of the longest bridges that ______on this river.A is ever built B have ever been built C was ever built D has ever been built 选B 为什么不选D 不是单三么? In 1960,this was the longest bridge that____.A.was everbuilt B.had everbuiltC.has ever been built D.had ever been built In the 1960s ,this was the third longest bridge that __in the world.A.was ever built B.had ever built C.has ever been built D.had ever been built 做一下面的题:将下列的句子改为被动语态.1.Aero pianes are slowly driving me mad2.She saw the thief steal a lot of money form the bank.3.The engineer must have repaired the broken car.4.The old man has given the young boy two bags of 小红帽的人物简评简介功课!紧急 阅读理解与完形填空周密计划拜托了各位 英语 绿卡英语 完形填空与阅读理解周密计划 (7年级基础版)25到47页的答案 《英语积累计划》七年级英语完形填空与阅读理解 只要到unit 30就行了.策划:肖文 主编:陈泽诞 江苏美术出版社 急用! 关于墨语流年的最佳解释 “人之岁月精神有限,诵说中度一日,习行中错一日;纸墨上多一分,身世上少一分” 缘来似墨人世如纸,时光为刃如影无痕是什么意思, 墨透纸背什么意思 一纸时光什么意思 英语翻译词组互译:这些录音机(翻译英文)那些飞机模型 你能把你的录音机带到学校来吗用英语怎么翻译 把鸡蛋放在一个塑料瓶里面,再把纸点燃放进去,会出现什么物理现象? Please be quiet.We are not allowed _____ much noise in the reading room.A.to make B.makeC.making D.to making Can you make the classroom less ( I can't hear a word.A.noise B.quiet C quietly D.noisy答案在A和D之间,请详细说明原因. 绝句其一【迟日江山丽】写了哪些景物,表现了春天什么的特点 找一个小红帽的故事小红帽可没见过狼啊,她心里话儿说:好嘛,脏的够哏儿的呀!界是哈四七呀还四黑背?……”正琢磨着呢,狼说话啦:“哎,改骂切大姐?”小红帽一听就急了:“哎呀——你个 小红帽的故事 初中生成语故事演讲 要释义 出处 还有推荐理由 最好是励志那种的答好了有追加 Wont Let You Fall的意思 请问语法形式和语法手段的关系是? Dont't make any noise.The baby is s__ 中考英语,Tom,turn down the music.Why ____ you make such a big noise while your baby sisterTom,turn down the music.Why ____ you make such a big noise while your baby sister is sleeping?[ ]A.could B.would C.shouldD.must 选would好,还是选must好 Don’t ______(make)any noise.The little baby ____(sleep). 对着间隔5厘米的两张纸用力吹气,会有什么现象?预测:实验现象:...对着间隔5厘米的两张纸用力吹气,会有什么现象?预测:实验现象:科学道理: 用双手将一张纸的边缘拉紧,嘴唇靠近纸的边缘(约1毫米处)吹气,观察发生的现象.怎么写啊. 英语翻译The judge says the images are designed to appeal to emotion,rejecting government arguments that they are purely factual. 英文文法和句子结构1.someone transported him in the boot of a car 450 kilometres to a lakeside retreat.2.But in Bavaria,one group of pensioners stands accused ofemploying a much more direct method of registering their dissatisfaction.3.he who