
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:53:10
one,ones的区别 one与ones区别;;; 家长对孩子的评语. 怎么帮孩子写家长评语啊...要写好一点的...要两篇! 儿子三年级数学考了95分家长评语怎么写 This world is how This world is how dirty call Is this a business call or a personal call?要准确的答案. This is what we call the dirty air what comes out of cars.怎么翻译 英语翻译2008年前三季度中国玻璃纤维行业经济运行情况,以及面对全球金融危机玻纤行业应如何度过难关.面对金融危机,行业库存加大、运营成本持续走高、出口放缓,销售低迷的严峻考验.(1 英语翻译 M.I.C有什么深刻的含义是几个英文单词的开头.能组成一句含义深刻的话 请问成都哪里有卖hyde的ROENTGEN ENGLISH VERSION的?或者有哪些其他途径?很难找呀 中文版,用英文怎么说?是用version这个词吗? 高中生综合素质家长评语怎么写字数越多越好 英语好的进,看看这句话,I'm lostI'm lost我看到这句话句的意思是我迷路了,可我觉得这是一个病句,首先这句话中lost是lose的过去式和过去分词,如果这句话是一般现在时的话,就应该是I am lose.如果 歌词中有 i‘m lost,i’m什么的 还有 withoutyou .不知道是哪首英文歌 很好听 以后每个星期都要周记,希望好心人能够多发几篇来.(300字左右) I'm lost. 是I'm lost还是I lost? one 和ones的区别 ones和one的区别?these apples are green.Please give me the red ______.我填的是one ,答案说是ones.不理解为什么要填ones?弱弱的问一下 为什么one会有复数形式? 纠错 ---How soon have you lived here? ----For three years. How long have you lived here,liease?For about________.A.two and a half year B.two and a half yearsC.two year and a half D.two years and half how long have you( it"s about ten years since we( ) a married,narriedb been married,were married c.got married,got married d.been married,got married 三年级家长如何写期末评语? 英语中p.m前要不要加at “m”前面加什么?英语It'S什么m 为什么英语里医生说的话最后要加I'm afraid?比如:“It's because you watch to much televition,I'm afraid” 三年级家长评语怎么写 英语翻译Precision Products Qty 1.500 799.GM Desc.22 PC LINKED PREFORM WASHERAlloy 63SN/37PBDim..086X.036X.035Part No.667YT8888Lot No.PD-2750 TH 6/1/96 解释句子(英翻英)1.What's he?2.what do you do that for?3.where is the hospital?4.what do you do with it?5.what is the weather like?6.what do you think of the book?7.what is he like?8.what is themeaning of it?9.what's your favourite subject?