
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:20:55
My sisiter often______(do)her homework in the evening. the student often do their homework in the evening(变一般疑问句) We often do our homework in the evening.一般疑问句...一般疑问句和肯否回答... the syudente often do their homework in the evening 便一般疑问句 以校园为话题作文 走出校园 话题作文 帮我想 话题作文:校园现象“早恋”“课桌文化”(就是同桌男女生彼此爱慕)“挤食堂”“白色垃圾”这些现象.你怎样看待?请以“校园现象”为话题写一篇文章……有范文的给个范文,没 改句子.1.Please do the housework with me .(改为否定句) 2.Does that girl want to be a nurse?改句子.1.Please do the housework with me .(改为否定句)2.Does that girl want to be a nurse?(改为肯定句)3.I have (a white hat).( I know I am a willful girl please bear with me wayward I don't want to leave Those who want to go with me put up your hands please.为什么是who?说的详细一些, Do you want to______English with me?(please explain)A.ask B.speak C.talk D.say 不对请帮我指出来. 孔子他的思想和故事对你有什么影响或启发?实际说 看看英文是否有错,并写出正确题谢谢昨天箱子里有一些巧克力 There was some chocolites in the box yesterday. Was there any choclites in the box yesterday? (疑问句) 刚才桌子上有一个苹果. TThere was an ap 英语题对不对? 句式转换1、I’d like (two)cups of tea.(对括号提问)2、Mr Wang will not come to this city any more.(同义句转换)Mr Wang will ___ to this city ____ more3、She dances for three hours every day (同义句转换)She spends 英语翻译Dear Appie:实在抱歉让您久等,关於敝司填写产品厚度为0.08此事向您解释如下;1.AS38-UT180原材来料厚度为60UM,加自带离型膜25UM共85UM2.敝司在制作过程中将AS38-UT180离型膜换掉了,所以剩 自学英语的困扰 我在家自学英语,自学音标,自学单词我跟着网上的视频学音标,但是自己学的话,不知道是不是发音标准,我尝试用win8的录音软件,自己录下来,纠正发音,但是,自己的声音 我听起 英语翻译 what i want to say is that.The sports meet is cancelled 为什么是that What I want to say is__.The sports meet is cancelled 这里为什么填that What we want to know is when and where the next sports meet___A.will hold B.will be held C.is holding D.were held 英语翻译事情是这样的.每次我读一些中文的文章然后翻译时,实在想不出它对应的是哪一个英语单词,但是看过答案之后发现那些单词我都认识,也都背了,豁然开朗.反过来一想,这些英语单词在 晚上我不做家庭作业 I often _____ ______my homework in the evening I often spend one hour ___my homework in the evening 1.I do my homework at 10:30 in the evening.(改为否定句) I ( )( )my homework at 10:30 inthe eveing.2.We have an English lesson lesson at 8:30.(对8:30提问)( )( )do you have an English lesson?3.It is five thirty in the afternoon.(改为同 英语选择请解答,诚信, 英语题,求教.会好评的 帮我找《钢铁是怎样炼成的》的故事的思想启迪 诚心求英文名中文名苏城宇 诚心取英文名我姓张,名军强.男,26,天蝎座.身高167cm,偏瘦.性格:外向.职业:IT.想取个好听且个性的英文名字.(能带点谐音也好)叫这个名字有说法吗? 帮忙取个英文名,诚心的进.名字是捷青,一般英文名中带自己的中文发音比较好,所以说劳烦各位大虾帮忙想想咯= = 可以上口点,好听点的,