
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:42:07
填平水泊擒晁盖,踏破梁山捉宋江,这副对联出自()A.大名府 B.青州府 C.曾头市 D.祝家庄 shi is left only with... 戚继光驱逐倭寇 戚继光的诗戚继光年轻时说 封侯非我意但愿海波平,横与之战后又说杀尽倭兮mi个封侯.为什么? MAKE UP FOREVER 双用水粉霜的用法~刚在丝芙兰败了一瓶,忘记问怎么用了,这个用之前需要摇一摇么?用手擦还是用海绵啊?用过的讲讲哈 Chinese kung fu为什么不叫Chinese gongfu英语里为什么叫功夫是 KUNG FU 美国宪法与黑人奴隶制以此为题写一篇论文,该如何去写 反映的是哪个洲的人口构成?混血种人:40% 白人:39% 印第安人:12% 黑人:7% 其他:2% 请大家帮我把一段电话中的对话,翻译成英语、谢谢大家,A:你好,我是从天涯公司打来的.我叫汤姆,请问王经理在吗?B:不好意思.王经理不在.A:请问他什么时候回来.B:王经理明天会回来.A: what "stick one's hand in a blender" stand for?anybody tell the other word for "stick one's hand in a blender"? 哥伦比亚人是黑人还是印第安人 Remember,hope is a good thing ,may b e the best of thing ,and no good thing ever dies. 以前有一本地理王树声:独创1+1 是专练第36题的,听说不错,现在还有么?关键是地理大题差,想买一本专心看透,时间不多了,或者各位有什么推荐的? 1.Abundant natural resources in the island are to be exploited and used A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used.的意思? iot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used. A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used.请助翻译 a lot of natural resoures in the mountain area are to be exploited and used fail,decline,drop,shrink等下降的区别fail,decline,drop,shrink都能意为下降 温故而知新,为什么可以为师 温故而知新的为师什么意思 There will be no red-crowned cranes in the world soon.改为一般疑问句 The red-crowned cranes is the second rared species完形填空 p30 taking a class 什么意思 Eating sensibly and taking regular exercise is a fairly reliable method of losing weight,____?的反义疑问句是什么? my foot hurts when i move it. you mustn't move too much/much too 选择哪个?原因 This is the sort of thing that Jeremy loves.这正是杰里米喜欢做的事情.这里的"thing"为什么不用复数?sort后面加of ……,就应该是……的一种.而thing是可数的,“事情”又不只一件,为什么不用复数呢? Such problems ____________ as soon as possible.A.have solvedB.have been solvingC.have to solveD.have to be solved Ningbo Greetmed medical Instruments Co.,Ltd.公司中文名称? The country is a p_____ in natural resouThe country is a p_____ in natural resourcees填空 请问现在的托福 ibt独立作文都是 agree or disagree 托福agree和disagree说反了,口多少口语第二题我本来是想说agree的,但后面的内容都是针对disagree说的.这样是不是得扣全分啊!其实是这样,第一句话时我想说agree,结果说成disagree了,然后后面内