
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:57:07
That is my family p______ through什么意思 画圈的短语什么意思,.翻译,快的好的给好评 through to through 如题 安装2dmax2009英文版注册时出现:There is a problem with the activation code that you entered.Click 注册3d8.0时出现There is a problem with the activation code that you entered.是怎么回事 Did she ___ the bottle into the sea?a.threw b.throw c.thrown d.throwing She threw a bottle which had piece of paper with her name on it into the sea.请问这样说对吗? She threw a bottle which are have a piece of paper with her name and address into the sea.这句话有语法错误吗?有的话,请改正. ———— of the danger ahead of her,she walked deeper into the forest.A.Being unconscious B.unconscious 请问答案选什么?为什么?形容词作状语与现在分词做状语有什么样的区分? 高二英语阅读题, 小新身高128cm 小明比小新高4分之一cm小明身高多少米 一道高二英语阅读题,Some schools are offering pupils chocolate and relaxation rooms to reduce exam stess.But exam relation ways in general are still “hit-and-miss”,according to researchers.They argue that parents and teachers are putting The doctor( )he sent her friend is very whom whom whom D.whom the professor—— she sent her friend is mr.smith who works in a famous universitythe professor for whom she sent her friend is mr.smith who works in a famous university这句话什么意思? Linda,together with her parents _____ many times as watching the play.A.has clapped B.have clapped C.clap D.are clapping选什么 he plays with the______all the time 成语玩命猜有珠有蚌的图的的全部答案 为什么要详写木兰回家后梳妆打扮的情景? 帮我看下我写的句子语法有没错Eating green food will give us a healthy body. 帮忙帮我看看句子的语法.对比采用常物性的计算结果,变物性的数值计算能够获得更高的预测精度.我的翻译1:the numerical results obtained with constant physical properties showed higher prediction accuracy than v 帮我看看这个句子的语法She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.中间的and that 在里面充当什么,可以去掉吗? 400字有关环境保护的作文 帮我看看我写的句子有没错he askd a question why the girl died? 我想知道的是句子里的question后面想加上具体的内容是不是直接这么加上?再比如这句话有没错he make a hypothesis whether the seed could be alive 帮我看看这几句句子语法上有没有什么问题1.We are going to read some of part one.2.They were talking about swimming. 怎么去描绘一个世界?风景~随便答点什么消灭0回答啊啊 拓展人脉关系用英语怎么说 every造句,并在每个句子后标明词性及解释.(例句要用到所有的词性) 用every造句 I.every怎样造句 Can you make sure ( )the train is on time A.thatB,whether为啥选A呢 B不是在疑问中不确定吗?难道看到MAKE SURE 之类的不管肯定或者疑问都是确定形式的THAT? When we got to the top of the hill,the sun ______.A.shone B.has shone C.was shining D.shines