
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:08:40
He likes dancing句子成分HE是主语.请问谓语是likes dancing还是likesdancing算什么成分? 怎样做一个健康的人?如题 The prize will go to the writer ____ story shows the most imagination.A thatB whichC whoseD what the prize will be given to the writer___works attract the most attention Athat Bwhich Cwhose Dwhat为什么选C? He will forever be seen as the cigar-smoking comedy writer whose very name raised a smile .翻译 The winner will go to Beijing p________ to collect the prize. He will win the prize.I will win the prize.(用either ...or合并句子) 海南什么时间被化为经济特区 海南是经济特区吗 明天就要考六级了 平时也没怎么复习英语,今晚应该做点什么啊? 如何评价董仲舒“性三品”说?急···· 翻译并解析下这句话:I will compress the story as far as may be done without oI will compress the story as far as may be done without omitting anything vital to the case.主语I 动词 compress 然后怎么又出现了个动词 be . 英语翻译顺便求解句子中be done to该怎么翻译 It's_________(not comfortable)to live in this nsmall room. 有虐恋倾向是什么意思 英语翻译Liu Jin's "Li-ning" sports shoes she bought three years ago are so valuable for her that now Liu Jin uses them as her pen-containers in order not to discard them though she has no longer worn them. 求出下列短语的缩写: is not are not do not does not have not can not每个“not”后面都是下一个短语 连词成句(多个) boys,fast,The,room,cleaned,their what's your mom's middle mame? 汉译英:你每天什么时候上学?(用when提问) 你认为新车站什么时候才能建成 汉译英 要When 开头 我知道太阳就要从天边升起来了,便目不转睛的望着那里.目不转睛的作用是什么? 英语翻译我上网查了一下,你看啊,比如说snake,竟然是一个人物!真的弄不懂...还有一个,DO you just want to be alone? Coco is in my family,too.翻译: To live in the small room seems______________(comfortable)than to live in the big one.uncomfortable,为什么不用比较级, 求仙侠师徒虐恋小说~~~像花千骨,重紫,梦落芳华(虽然这个不是哦)那一类的,一定要感人的哦,长度无所谓.但文笔要好哦.要是真的好我会再加分~ O(∩_∩)O谢谢啦PS 我只要师徒的.(个人恶趣 从04年9月1号 到现在12年10月16号多少天了? 世界奇妙物语 07秋的SP《倒计时》讲的什么意思啊?有什么寓意?没看懂的说看懂的人多多指点~在此谢过~ 今天到三年后的10月1日还有 世界奇妙物语中急患讲的什么? Mr black lives in Room 202 后面为什么这么填Room 202 求一篇关于keep the environment clean的英文 主要是针对保持清洁方面的重要性,与措施来的.为演讲找寻作为材料,谢谢提供!^_^