
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:39:15
全部改被动语态1.Children have finished ther homework.(被动语态) Their homework( )( )finished.2.You must hand in your homeowrk right now.(改被动语态)Your homework must( )( )in right now. 关于被动语态的参考书上它说了一段话 :当sell,wash,clean,run,wear,等动词带有状语well,easily,badly修饰时,用主动形式表达被动意义.举几个例给我看看 The Death of the Heart的中文名称The Death of the Heart作者:Elizabeth Bowen把中文版的出版社也说一下 co|ourit是什么意思 co|ouritwhiteandbrown是什么意思 班主任的英文单词 单词后加-age后用法有什么不同比如use,usageshot,shortage... 我最喜爱的班主任推荐词教育局评选我最喜爱的班主任,要求每个班交一份推荐词.我是文体委员,麻烦大家帮我写一份好吗?我们班主任是女老师,教语文,三十岁出头,温柔和善,年轻貌美.但是有 Freedom is not you can do what you want to,but...The question is:plese complete the sentence with right words.The award will be 200 Baidu EPs.Give me the answer as soon as poosible!填写至少5个句子! can not but do汉语意思什么 can't ...but后面什么时候加do什么时候加to do?麻烦给个归纳性的说话,然后加几个例子,别只给例子,只说用法。 co在化学中什么意思 在化学中co是什么意思? thank The prince usually ________ to the throne after the king's death.continues proceeds triumphs succeeds 选哪个 The prince renounced the right to the throne. the king 2hearts演世子和王子的小演员是谁? Will the king's eldest son___ to the throne?A.amount B.come C.inherit D.fall heir 为什么不是C, i did not mean / anything ,but those apples looked so good i couldn't resist / one ;to eat .trying ; 这句话的意思是什么? 有一个曲里面有的歌词 可是不知道这歌叫什么名字哦//.急//. how do you feel when you stay in hospital 哪句对,为什么?A,my work is to teach them,B my work is teaching them.什么时候是不定式,什么时候是动名词 我的名字叫马帅炜,男,射手座,请大家帮我起个英文名 My iob is to teach them English today today是时间状语吗 关于创建汉字的来源文章要几篇给你100分 The road sees rough a roar,roar and walked on keep out ture Volkswagen he didn’t know much about the harmful effects on smoking,为什么用much,不用many can,dates,with,write,you,numbers.连词成句,怎么连? vf中任意日期用汉字表示是星期几怎么写 vf iif什么时候用 英语翻译其实我主要想知道be nothing short of 该怎么应用这个短语·~