
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:32:31
I am sure you will do fine.You have my best wishes.I wish you good luck! I am sure you will do fine.You have my best wishes.I wish you good luck! 第三人称后的动词用加s吗 关于给别人的健康建议英语作文给一个人的,比如说给一个胖子的健康建议作文要英语,5行差不多了 英语作文建议Suppose you will be given a monthly allowance of 100 yuan tomorrow.Make a budget for the whole month.给点建议都可以. ,类似 ask sb.to do sth.see sb.doing 这些的 语法 还有什么 都发来 或者怎么分辨 动词不定式的时态和语态不 定 式 主 动 被 动 一 般 to write to be written 进 行 to be writing / 完 成 to have written to have been 英语中有些句式是 ()sb. do sth, ()sb. to do sth, ()sb.doing sth,请问有哪些单词是这样的可以填入的我知道see sb doing sth 还有哪些还有一个问题,是不是情态动词后是原形,请问哪些是情态动词 Will it be fine tomorrow?I'm not sure ,____maybemay be填哪个 为什么 It will be fine tomorrow ____A THANK YOUB that's all right C I hope soD I know that tomorrow will be fine怎么读.. my grandmother is talking to my father(划线部分提问)对my father 提问my grandmother is talking to my father(划线部分提问) 对my father 画线(提问) 什么时态和语态要用到不定式啊 my grandmother is talking to my father对talking to my father提问 5.The person to()he is talking is my father .正在和他谈话的那个人是我父亲.6.The girl()has is new is called Ann.有新书包的那个女孩叫Ann.7.He girl ()has bag is new is called Ann..他住在窗户朝南的那所房子1 改定语从句,The nation was shocked at the news ,把上面的句子改成定语从句,这个民族被中国成功制造核武器这个消息震惊了,应该怎么改? The nation was shocked at the news 改定语从句,要把上面的句子改成定语从句,这个民族被中国成功发明了核武器这个消息震惊了,怎么改啊? The nation was shocked at the news. we are not sure__it will rain or notweather or that? 第八题后面是 OK.But I'm not sure_____it will rain A.Why第八题后面是OK.But I'm not sure_____it will rainA.Why B.Where C.when D.whether 在横线上填写合适的词语空城计_____夜走麦城_________刮骨疗毒_________万事俱备,只欠东风___________ 在横线上填写合适的句子爱是无形的,它需要用心灵去感受;爱的永恒的,它使人终身难忘;爱是伟大的,_______________;爱是人间的春风,_______________;爱是生命的源泉,_____________. 三人 各类型都可在一天内(特急!) 求五分钟初中英语短剧剧本 要5人的和童话沾一点边 情节丰富对话简单一点不要太多生词P.S.中英对照再加分 时间大约5分钟,千万别太长.希望简单易懂.3——5人.好的话有20分追分 英语里的不定式属于什么时态? it_________rain tomorrow,but I am not sure.Aprobably Bpossible Cmay be Dmight I w____ whether it will rain or not tomorrow.怎么填? We are not sure if it __(rain) tomorrow.适当形式填空 英语翻译The person we are talking about today is known around the world.He is often described as the man who has saved more lives than any other person is history.N orman Borlaug is c_1__ as the father of what has been called the Green Revliution Many people today like reading ___ about UFOS以s开头 in europe people learn about seven seas,what are theyplease speak in english