
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:21:12
急 family and marriage relationship给我列几点出来,还有理由我要的是婚姻与家庭的关系是什么?哪几种关系。不是要翻译。o(╯□╰)o family book是什么?求翻译! There are two books:one is on family,another is on marriage.这里的another不应该换成the other吗 项羽故事 关于项羽的故事有哪些? She has got two sisters.(改为否定句) My cousin is feeling_______better today.是填a lot合适,还是填quite合适?quite在修饰身体状况时可用于比较级 英语翻译①我想我会把宠物当做家庭的一员,因为它毕竟和我们生活在一起.②我认为动物和我们一样,都是生命.生命原本就是平等的,所以人和动物的关系应该和人与人之间的关系一样.我想我 求my shool and my teacher的英语作文50词左右 my shool taip英语作文, 小熊要到小鹿家做客、要过两条小坷、一条河上两座桥、另一条河上三座桥、小熊到小鹿家有几种不同走法? 小乌龟从家到小熊家有10米,比从小熊家到小兔家近8米,小熊家到小兔家有多少米? i am feeling much b------- than yesterday 填空 小猴和小兔小熊,小鹿学本领最后却什么也没学到为什么 I am feeling much b____ than yesterday 怎么填? I am feeling bad today,I would rather ------in bed than------a walk outside.A.lie;haveB.to lie; to haveC.lie; to haveD.to lie; having应该选哪个?为什么? My daughter often makes a schedule to get herself——of what she is to do in the day .为什么填reminded,我没查到get sb done的能解释的通的意思. 请写五年级下册第5单元词语盘点用五词写300字小练笔 Lao she is the___of Tea House.A doctor Bactor Cscientist Dwriter 请写五年级下册第6单元词语盘点用五词写300字小练笔 1.Please retell the story briefly.2.She is a doctor with lots of experience.3.The students elected Tom to be the monitor.4.We must conclude the meeting before 10o'clock.5.Are you still considering moving?初二英语是要改写句子 不是要中文 请写五年级下册第4单元词语盘点用五词写300字小练笔 请写五年级下册第3单元词语盘点用五词写300字小练笔 She is feeling better 根据回答写问题 五年级下册第七单元词语盘点用五词造300字文章 英语急in on at 用在生日前面因该选择哪一个?为什么?yao ming is birthday is ______ september 12th,1980? 他的生日在1963年10月3日用英语怎么说?是用in还是on?还有1963加在哪里? 1.l think it's [ ] hotter today than yesterday.A very B much C too D quite改为同义句2.How cold it is today!【 】 【 】 【 】 【 】 it is today! 帮忙翻译一下五笔 much 与quite修饰比较级的区别 帮我用五笔翻译一下TRNT NRG TRNT WFCU GII IHTY NYNY FKUK CQWY HHGG WQIY rather,quite,very哪个修饰比较级?