
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:59:26
This tree is ( ) taller than that oneA.one metre B.two metre C.one metres this building is taller than ( ) one around it.a.any other b.another one c.any d.some otherany one 和 any other one 有啥区别?是不是只能说any other ones不能说any othr one? She is going to take a subway to visit Hong Kong.(用英语解释句子) 初中英语 28.The street was ___ with people so he had to drive slowly.A experienced B crowded C pleased D interested请翻译句子和选项并加以说明原因谢谢 一句英语讲一下语法There's always going to be people that hurt you重点是 be还有有没有省略什么东西啊正如三楼所问为什么用there is不用there are tell a joke的汉语意思 tell a joke 和 tell jokes有区别吗那是不是前者表示单数 讲一个笑话 呢 English joke外教要求有“Chinese”风味的joke, Today I’d like to tell a joke.怎么读? She can't tell a joke in English,I thank .(同上) I _thank she _tell a joke in English. 请帮我写几篇高一水平的英语作文1我印象最深的一个人.2我印象最深的一件事.3我拜访了X后. 英语翻译RT,就是如果想到用在这种场合的中文玩笑也是可以的,不过请翻译成英文,至少要让老外能懂这是个joke, 英语翻译 an English map的翻译 an English-Chinese 翻译 There's going to have a meeting this afternoon.中有没有错误 用be going to的形式填空I___ ___ (have) a meeting in the afternoon In doing we 这是一条谚语 learn to do sth,还是learn doing sth如上,讲情语法 in doing we learn嘛意思? learn doing和learn to do百度上搜来说没有learn doing,可是作业上有一题是这样啊:I learned cooking from my mother.这怎么回事?到底两者有什么差别,有的说没有learn doing,有的又说有,到底是什么啊, In doing we learn将上面的英语翻译为俗语 到深圳南山上班英语口语不好的话,可以做什么工作呢? They are going to watch TV tomorrow.改成否定句和疑问句 4.They are going to have the serviceman ___ an electric fan in the office tomorrow.A.installB.to installC.to be installedD.installed为什么不是其他选项,尤其是B,请详细说明,顺便说一下have的用法. They are not going to play ball tomorrow.改为一般疑问句怎么改?如题.是不是are they not going to play ball?还是aren't they going to play ball? They are going swimming tomorrow?用camp改为选择疑问句 从垦利坐啥车能直接到东职,118吗, int 是取整函数吗下列程序段执行以后,内存标量y的值是:CLEARX=12345Y=0DO WHILE X>0y=y+xx=int(x/10)ENDDO?y它给的答案是15 ,我不理解了,高手 能给出详细的解答过程么 we should always remember "Learn by doing ". 句酷英语作文批改我得了81(满分100),可以无限制地修改,请问如何提高分数 They will go to have a picnic next week.(改为否定句)