
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:50:42
帮忙设计真人秀英语课要做啊!时间5-10分钟,我们有5个人.模仿美国的那些“真人秀REALITY SHOW”节目,要用英语讲.请大家设计表演方案,最好有点开场白等等, “真人秀节目的策划和编导”这句话怎么翻译啊谢谢了啊!翻译成英语啊!刚才提问了!翻译的都不理想! 如何做好电视节目的策划 翻译:keeping a vocabulary notebook 《养成读报的好习惯》向我们介绍了读报的重要性以及( ),希望我们养成( )的好习惯,平时我们还应该《养成读报的好习惯》向我们介绍了读报的重要性以及( ),希望我们养成( )的好习惯,平时我 英语翻译I`m feelin you,you feelin meBut still we can`t be togetherI got a feelin`You got these same feelinsToo bad we can`t feel `em togetherI sit on my bed and wonderHow it`d be if you were mineI think of you like no otherHere`s what I do every 请问喝那氨基酸真的能长高吗我二十岁了,个子才一米二,看了你那评论,氨基酸和胶囊吃了能长吗, Over the next four years怎么翻译好啊?是四年以后还是未来的四年呢? More than two schools ____ in the city next year.A.are builtB.were bulitC.have builtD.will be built2.I _______ yesterday.It was broken.A.had my bike repairB.had my bike repairedC.has my bike repairedD.has my bike repaired请说明理由 over the more 没、 QQ签名 What kind of things do you want to keep as secrets,and why? 英语翻译这么经典的歌,一定要翻译的经典呀 “沉默了太久,开不了口”翻译成英文 note在这句话中怎么译?Please note that I have sent out the data to Guangzhou offices.同时也请把整句话翻译一下,这是商务信函中的一句话 “对你开不了口”求帅气一点的英文翻译. 英语翻译Technical NoteThose already familiar with CC will notice that there is now only a single Name field.This is to simplify name searching so that you can search on any part of the patient's name,refining your search as needed.To search expli 英语翻译:我想说谢谢,但我怎么也开不了口. consignment note怎么翻译 氨基酸对肌肉的增长有什么作用 我无意间看见你说吃氨基酸可以增高,可不可以告诉我具体点呢,氨基酸是什么牌子的.谢 B.请根据题目“The Benefits of Volunteering 做自愿者工作的好处”按照下列提纲写一篇100字短文 1.What 写英语作文主题:The Benefits(益处/好处) of Doing Sports / Reading80字左右, the benefits of automobiles 英语翻译Alexander Wang这一季的新设计正是对于时装结构探索,无疑是整场发布给人留下的最深刻印象.黑白灰的无色系,面料会有些光泽或透视效果,除此之外,设计的重心全部放在了时装结构上: the great depression be different from相当于什么?两个词 the great waii的汉语意思是什么 The用什么词语解说 The bottom knows everything anout nothing,the top knows nothing about everything. it is ___that his father is a great composer while he knows nothing about music.空中为什么填surprising,其中用到了什么语法方面的知识 中文翻译成英文,请高手翻译,用于口语考试(5人对话)1我觉得乞丐很可怜,在饥寒交迫中没有尊严地活着2有一些是很可怜,但有部分却是好吃懒做的青年人或装做残疾人的骗子3乞丐中还有一 改错A same clothes is worn by people from different countries,whatever the culture they come from意思是 “同一件衣服穿在不同国家的人身上,无论他们是来自什么文化与种族.”