
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:07:59
英语翻译Hey girls,just lookin' out You gotta see through the perfect ones that Tell you what you wanna hear Then do the opposite If he don't call when he says hes gunna call Then delete his number Been waiting for the day Where i dont have to wai “他的生命也没有意义”英文翻译【限时!】应最简单、简洁的英文翻译出来.词越简单越好.快! 英语翻译呵呵.要又诗的感觉点, 用英语怎么说我们以优惠价格出售毛衣 来看看我们出售的毛衣用英语怎么说 小小英语怎么说 我就这么一点小小的要求,过分么?用英语怎么说如题 希望翻译的委婉一些 不要轻易被看明白另外 不要来 各种快译的玩意 我很失望英语怎么说. 晕车药英文翻译 小小的梦想 英语怎么说 The problem is _____ difficlt for us____.a.so;work out b.very too;to be worked out c.rather too;to work out d.quite too;to work it out请问为什么?10 - 离问题结束还有 16 天 0 小时 When Mr Green got to the entrance of the hall,he saw some 第五题,英语, The video is too ___ for the children to ___.A.frightening,see B.frightened,watchC.frightening,watchD.frightened,see 初二英语选择题(需说明理由)1:I saw Mr Wang _______ into the school library just now.A:went B:goes C:going D:go2:I am afraid he is no longer _______ .A:alive B:live C:living D:lives 3:He is always the first ________ to school .A:to ge 请搜索“五道英语题请求高手解析”这个问题并帮助解决,谢啦! 这五道英语的题目, She is always the first one to get to school every day .这句话能否改为She is always the first one to school every day.如果不能,为什么?若能又为什么?还有 复合句并列句可以改为简单句的条件是什么?求初中句型转 请说明原因,My pen pal Andrew found it difficult _____Chinese well.a.learning b.learn c.to learn d.learned.我觉得答案应该是c,可标准答案是a,为什么? lt's dark now,but l haven't found a hotel A to live B to live in C live D living为什么不能选living?正确答案改选什么 请说明原因 初二英语选择题,请选择并说明为什么,谢谢!----Jim feels nervous from time to time , but he doesn't know ______ about it.----He can get help from his teachers.A.who to talk B.wihch to talk to C.whom to talk 新的一年到了,我希望我爱的人和爱我的人都能身体健康、心想事成!翻译成英语点样? 那个帮我翻译这些成英语阿?:希望喜欢的人是幸福的.和被爱是幸福的 We have lived in this city _____A five years agoB for five years agoC since five years agoD five years 请说明理由,不要只给答案.因为答案我已有.----------------( )is leshan Grand buddha-----------------It is 71 meters high.Ahow wide Bhow long Chow tall Dhow high要有翻译.我就是在C、D 两项上区分不开,我选的是C,而 请说明理由I go to work very early.I don't usually have ___breakfast,but I always eat ___ good supper.1./,a 2./,/ 3.the,/ 4./,the如果是 good breakfast的话需要加(a)good breakfast吗 要有解析3 .My father ( ) a party member for five years.A .joined B.has joined C.joins D .has been 4.The cost of the house is too ( )for me .A .espensive B .high C .many D .big 5.The television is too ( ); turn the volume down .A .loud B .high C . 1.China will be the h( )for the 2008 Olympics.2.If you don't like the gift,you may give it someone e( )later.3.On my birthday,Mum often makes a delicious n( )with an egg for me.4.I think a goldfish is e( )to take care of.5.The way people behave is d 16.She is planning on driving.Let’s help her some good ideas.A.come out B.come up C.catch up with D.come up with17.The doctor a boy yesterday.A.had saved,dying B.saved,deadC.has saved,dead D.saved,dying18.I in this small mountain village when I was Why not go to the park on Sunday?(同义句转换)_______ ________ going to the park on Sunday ①-Let's hurry,professor Beach is coming.-Oh,I was afrsid that we______.(D)A.already miss him B.will miss him C.have already missed him D.had already missed him②Micheal Philips,______help Georage Williams climbed over the ALPs,_____is one of the w 我爱的人和爱我的人到底如何选择?她很爱我、可以说爱的放弃了自尊和骄傲、我一点也不喜欢她、别人都说感情是处出来的、可我很担心、现在也很难做抉择 我会珍惜所有我爱的人和爱我的人用英语怎么说