
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:53:50
《两小儿辩日》用科学理论解答两小儿的疑问 有四个直径为2dm的罐头盒,如果用带子把它们捆起来,问:捆一圈需要多长的带子?(接头忽略不计) 有4个直径是6厘米的饮料罐,用绳子捆起来,那么捆一圈需要多少长的带子? I——frustrated when I did not know the answerA may beB used toC used to beD use to be请给我具体的解释 He felt frustrated when he found () impossible to catch up with heis classmatensclassmatesA itB it is我感觉都可以啊?B为何不可? 《两小儿辩日》用科学理论来解答两小儿的疑问 简短一些 一定要简短一些,两三句概括一下. i wasn`t sure when it ______(rain).要怎么填.为什么? 空气罐头是什么 什么是空气罐头 请教一下:“For most of us, we only get out of life, what we are prepared to put in.” 这一句怎么翻 空气罐头可以用多久 If we would only give the same amount of reflection to what we want out of life that we give to theIf we would only give the same amount of reflection to what we wantout of life that we give to the question of what to do with two weeks’vacation, we 为什么空气罐头那么贵? 空气罐头乐团成员的详细情况及照片! Could you please don't leave away from me don't go away from me,me darling. you used to be_____(real)shy,did not you? he used to be ——(real)short..这里的空格填什么? 英语翻译兼cause I m really missyor,ererytime这俩句意思一样吗, I( )higher than some of the girls in my class答得好我另外有分加 "两小儿辩日"提的问题答案? 两小儿辩日中两个小孩子的说法有什么依据 急! 两小儿辩日中的两个小孩提出的问题怎样解答?科学简要回答 《两小儿辩日》的题目解答两小儿所持的依据有道理吗?你认为怎样解释这一现象? 英语翻译要地道一点的 人们把凡事都自己去做 用英语翻译 凡事都有两面 翻译为英语是什么啊? “凡事在于自己”用英语怎么翻译? I don't know you from Adam请帮忙翻译! 英语翻译如题.希望不要是在线翻译的结果. I don't know you from Adam. 我在金山词霸学了个句子I don't know you from Adam.我不知道你从亚当.它这么翻译好像是错的,帮我下