
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:33:24
我这有份线性代数试卷 它认识我 我不认识它 线性代数题, 斐波那契数列的求和公式 请问:易语言如何实现斐波那契数列求和? 已知ΔABC的外接圆的直径为1,且ABC成等差数列,若角ABC所对的边为abc,求a^2+c^2 打谷场上,有一个近似于圆锥的小麦堆,测的底面直径是4米,高是1.2米,每立方米小麦约重735千克,这堆小麦大约有多少千克?(得数保留整千克) 一个近似圆锥形的小麦谷,点面直径4米,2米,每立方米重735千克,问重多少千克【保留整千克】打谷场上,一个近似圆锥形的小麦谷,测得底面直径是4米,每立方米小麦约重735千克,这堆小麦大约有 1个两位小数加上他的一半 所得的数大于45且小于48 求这个两位数 在打谷场上,有一个近似于圆锥的小麦堆,测得底面直径是4m,高是1.2.每立方米小麦约重735kG,这堆小麦大约重多少千克?得数保留整千克 一个圆锥直径4米,2米,每立方米小麦约重735千克,大约几千克小麦 1.Look!What a clean room!Who______it?A.has tidied B.tidied2.--Do you like sports?--Sure,I'm looking forward to watching the 28th Olympics Games______in Greece this August.A.being held B.to be held第1题有人说是现在完成时的“过去影响 1.It ___over ten years since the dog_____A is ; died B is ; has been dead C has been;was dead D was;has died2.One of the girls in our class____Hawaii beforeA have been to B has been to C have gone to D has gone to3.There ____great changes in our home Computers can work out maths problems ____ than we do.A)much quickly B)more quick C)even quicker D)far more quicklyWhen I got to the station,the train ____already.A)had left B)has left当他到站了,发现包掉在车上是用leave还是forget?It __ 快来啊!这里有几道英语选择题~~~~~帮帮忙吧!1.in order to well in the exams,most students get()than usual.Atired Bmuch tired Cmore tired Dless tired 2.Are your life style ()as mine?Athe same Bas same Csa 1.How did you like your last day off?I( )it very much.A like B liked C likes D will like 2.You thought he was an honest man,( A didn't B wasn't you C wasn't he D didn't he 3.Please help me with my homework,( )you?] A do B shall C will D aren't 9.I fe 在△ABC中,a、b、c分别是角ABC的对边,且△ABC的面积为S=1/4(b^2+c^2),则B=( ) 中国古代哪些朝的都城在洛阳?哪些在长安? 把乘法口决,发来 乘法口决发一下好吗? 如何更快掌握乘法口决 在ΔABC中,a=2,A=30°,C=45°,则ΔABC的面积SΔABC等于多少?这是高二必修五数学正弦定理的题,我不太会,请写详细点, 中国历史中以北京为都城的有哪些,以南京为都城的呢? 自然数n的各个数字中奇数数字和为S(n)偶数数字和记E(n)例如S(134)=1+3=4E(134)=4 S1+……+S(100)= 一道SAT数学题,OG上的,The figure above shows part of a circle whose circumference is 45.If arcs of length 2 and length b continue to alternate around the entire circle so that there are 18 arcs of each length ,what is the degree measure of each sat og上第三套的一道数学题The pattern shown above is composed of rectangles. This pattern is used repeatedly to completely cover a rectangular region 12L units long and 10L units wide. How many rectangles of dimension L by W are needed?B) 3 SAT OG里面的一道数学题:Which of the following graphs is the reflection of the graph above about the x-axis?结果答案就是把它给的那个graph以x轴为对称轴翻折了一下.那既然这样为什么要有一个above? 十字相乘法是初几学的 问一道OG上的SAT的数学题新版OG 852页的最后 一题 这是这道题的题干和图片 http://hi.baidu.com/%D4%C6%D6%F1%CB%AE%ED%B5/album/item/4ffd5d8187c6e3b2bd3e1e1d.html# 小学一年级数学学乘法么? 小数的乘法是几年级学的` 谁能给我讲讲数学课的分数乘法呢? 一个直径是20厘米的圆柱形容器里,放入一个底面半径是3厘米的圆锥形铁块,全部寖浸没在水中,这时水面上升0.3厘米,圆锥形铁块的高是多少厘米?