
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:51:00
maybe i am wrong;manbe you are wrong 同义句改写 该同义句 You are really careless to do such a wrong thing.Your haiestyle depends on your lifestle too.The boy is not old enough to work in any factory.It is possible for me to finish my homework in half an hour.帮帮 24英文怎么写 I belive you are wrong.I ___ ___ you are right. 24的英语怎么写 I am right.You are wrong. 英语第24 怎么写 You ______ right but _____ you are wrong.A.maybe maybe B.maybe may be C.may be may be D.may be maybe 英语24怎么写 ye·· you are right I was wrong! Leave you silly are right or wrong Leave you silly are right or wrong See through is weak This is the result of hate or love is what If the kind of relief How will still sticking in my heart 日全食,日偏食,日环食是怎么回事?出现日全食,日偏食,日环食是个什么位置?什么情景? 日偏食和日全食是一回事吗 为什么成都能见到日全食而深圳只有日偏食? 英语填空24 数学题应用题!初二上学期!格式正确!快!手写! 小华每分跑320米,比小丽每分慢16分之1,小丽每分跑多少米今天就用 有书,如果小丽给小花4本,则俩人一样多,如果小花给小丽3本,则小丽是小花本数的3倍,求俩人原来各多少本 晚饭后,小美和小丽找小花复习功课.小花因为有事先离开了,就留下一张字条,上面写着:“小美,小丽,请你们在太阳和月亮一起出现的那天再来.”她俩看完纸条相视一笑,明白了小花的意思.到 小丽.小花.小婷三个人的年龄正好是三个连续的自然数,小丽说:我的年龄最大.小花说;我的年龄最小.小婷说:我们三个人的年龄乘积是540;这三个人的年龄分别是多少呢? 小明在班上是第3名,小花在他的后5名,小丽再小花的后2名,小丽是第几名? 判断的函数f(x)的积偶性已知函数f(x)是定义域上恒不为0的函数,且对于任意m,n∈R的都满足f(m*n)=mf(n)+nf(m)判断的函数f(x)的积偶性 函数f(x)=log2(x+1)+log2(1-x)是偶函数 为什么? 已知3个连续的偶数的和为66,这3个数是? 已知函数f(x)的定义域为R,且f(x)满足条件 f(1)=0 对任意实数x,y都有f(x+y)-f(y)=x(x+2y+1)求f(x)解析式若函数g(x)=(x+1)f(x)-a[f(x+1)-x]在区间(-1,2)上是减函数,求实数a的取值范围 5%新洁尔灭配成0.1%浓度500ML怎么配?5%新洁尔灭配成0.1%浓度500ML溶液需要加多少ML新洁尔灭多少ML水? 新洁尔灭是什么 when you are looking like 请帮忙找一下西城的歌词When you are Looking Like ThatWhen you are Looking Like That You know that I’m a crazy bitch ,I do what I want,when I feel like 求英文歌歌名You are the air that I breath.You are my soul when I'm in need.You are the air that I breath.You are my soul when I'm in need.You are the one that I seevisions of you in my dream. 有段歌词是这样的, 男声,抒情歌.求歌名 一个圆柱体的表面积是100平方厘米,体积是200立方厘米,底面积是多少平方厘米?