
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:29:22
that some of bitch这句话是不是错的? I also know that some of them are ____scaring (kinds of/kind of)Tell me why I Want Some Of That 歌词 There are some sheep in that c___ of the mountain some of the senses that we and Tom enjoys_____________(cook)and he is good at _____________(cook). 改正错误 Please have a look my sweater. Please have a look the new backpack.(改错) Please have a look以初速度为Vo=10m/s从地面竖直上抛一质量m=0.2kg的物体,不记阻力时,上升几秒后物体的动能和势能相等?其值多大?若物体实际达到的最大高度为h=76m,设物体运动过程中所受阻力大小 Tom is good _____Chinese SAT语法中that of,would of 什么的,例句:Sherry is the best known for her historical accounts that focus on ordinary lives,especially thoes of women,rather than on larger political and socieoeconomic events. SAT 语法中 so...that...结构的that可以省略么?我只知道阅读里经常省略的,但是是否符合英语标准书面语法么?我们写作可以省略么? 完形填空 开头The Internet is the most important human invention since the introduction of printing. SAT语法之of which用法of which的用法是什么?比如说:She likes reading newspaper,of which she likes the international news part the most.其中的of which 为什么要改成分号,即“she likes reading newspaper;she likes the internatio sat语法 我知道那个比较的话ABCD都要加that of,E不需要加是因为numbers加了s么sat语法我知道那个比较的话ABCD都要加that of,E不需要加是因为numbers加了s么,我还是有点不清楚诶 SAT 真题语法 the architect's research shows that even when builders construct houses of stonethe architect's research shows that even when builders construct houses of stone,they still use the hammer more than any tool.答案是any tool错了,怎 when did you know the accident I knew nothing about it ——the policeman told me A.whether B.if C.since D.until这四个词的区别?怎么用?2.i donnot kown if it ——tomorrow ,if it ——,i wonnot go to school by bike.A.will snow will snow B. 1He __ __ __ /应该/stay at home2.When did the accident __ __ /发生/3Please __ __ __ /问好/to you 主语从句的that 不做成分时可以省略吗 写出表示颜色的词语20个 写出6个表示颜色的词语.写出6个表示“看”的词语.写出6个与太阳有 关的词语.写出六个与月亮有关的词语. 写出表示颜色多而绚丽的词语 What is not all important.happy is the most important帮忙翻译下.一定要准 英语翻译 英语翻译 把一根长80厘米的铁丝围成一个长8厘米,宽6厘米,高4厘米的长方体后,还剩多少厘米? 英语翻译I play football at four and go home at four forty 用一根长80厘米的铁丝做一个高8厘米的长方体,要使这个长方体体积最大,底面积应是 英语对话怎么写 他会用南瓜做提灯,翻译成英语 聊天的英文单词怎么写 南瓜的英文怎么读