
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 16:56:37
如图,在等腰梯形abcd中,对角线ac、bd互相垂直.改梯形的高与中位线有怎样的大小关系?为什么? 描写愁的词语和诗词两个词语,八个诗词 引用古诗写句子 北京的春节 课后题2题目是:想想课文是按怎样的顺序写的;课文哪些部分写得详细,哪些部分写得简略,这样写有什么好处? 《北京的春节》 课后题①想一想,按照老规矩,北京人是什么过春节的?给你印象最深的是什么?②有感情的朗读课文,想想课文是按怎样的顺序写的;课文有那些部分写的详细,那些不菲写的略( Some students in our class like reading, ______like playing computer games.the others 还是 others?解释下原因,谢谢! Some ( ) in our school like playing football with their students()填什么 在我们班有些学生一点儿也不喜欢英语 Some students in our class don't like English___ the___ there are some students_don't like sports in our class Awho Bwhom Cwhich Dwhose some students like math,but some students don'tike math 改为同义句 繁星春水赏析要求:每个300字.(一)青年人呵!为着未来的回忆,小心着意的描你现在图画.——繁星之十六(二)言论的花儿越大,行为的果子结的越小——繁星之四十五(三)弱小的草呵!骄 繁星春水每首诗的赏析我要繁星春水第二十三首诗的感想.急 北京的春节是按什么顺序写的?那些简略?这样有什么好处? 作者老舍是按照什么顺序描写北京的春节这篇课文的 It was____late when we got home.The children are sleeping,so we walked into the house____A.quiet quitely B.quite quitely C.quite quietly D.quiet quietly When I got home,the house was a complete _______.mass mess guess bus 以流水喻愁的古诗词句子写出连续两句 六年级下册第六单元的作文 9.When he got back home,he found someone ______ his house and ______ a lot of things.A.break into, break,to stealC.had broken into,had stolenD.has broken into,has stolen when he returned home,olny to find many things broken 为什么用only to find “when i returned home,i found the window open and a number of things_____”a to stealb stealingc stolend missed(P40) 语文练习与测试六年级下册第35面中的根据课文内容填空 六年级下册语文按课文内容填空 3x+15 = 5X+2分之3X=26 When he got home ,he found his house ____ and something valuable stolen .A.was broken in B.was broken into C.broke in D.broke into为什么选D,后面没有宾语的情况下不应该用break 不好意思C和D打错了,C.broken in D.broken into 西游记人物性格孙悟空:本领高强,爱好自由,疾恶如仇,敢于斗争; 猪八戒:遇到困难,就畏缩动摇,爱占小便宜,嫉妒心强,好搬弄是非,贪财好色; 沙和尚:憨厚纯朴,对师傅忠心耿耿,诚实; 唐三藏:信 The moment i got home i found my house and a lot of things?. 西游记里的人物各有哪些性格特点? when he got home,he found some pages in the book missing.为什么不用were missing 3X—3/2+1=5X要过程 To my excitement,I found the ring when___my bedroom yesterday B.clean c.having cleaned clean求答案!thank!