
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:55:57
请务必用算术方法解题,不要方程啊二年级两个班共有学生90人,其中少先队员有71人,一班少先队员占本班人数的3/4,二班少先队员占本班人数的5/6,两个班各有多少人?或者用比例、份数做也行, The students will study at home on computer this saturday改一般疑问句 _______ the students _______at home on computers this saturday there is a heavy snow today 用tomorrow 改写 There ______ ________ a heavy snow tomorrow There student will study at home on the I_____. 用长12米的铝合金做一个长方形的窗框,设长方形窗框的长度为x米.(1)用关于x的代数式表示窗的面积.(2)当x=2时,窗的面积是多少? The students will study at home on computers this Saturday.(改为一般疑问句)________the students _______ at home on computers this Saturday? Most of the students like to study at home_____computers.A.on B.in C.for D.as will there be school in the future?( ) l think that students will study at home on the Interent.A Yes,there will.B No,there won'tC On,there is not. 我国古代数学知家祖冲之在公元5世纪就已算得圆周率π的近似值在3.1415926与3.1415927之间,分别写出保留1个,2个,3个,4个,5个有效数字时π的近似值? 函数y=根号(x-3)+lg(9-x)的定义域 求函数y=二次根号下3^(2x-1)-1/9 的定义域 函数f(x)=根号下(2x+1)/(2x-3)的定义域是________. 函数y=根号下(x^2-2x-3)+1/|x|-3的定义域根号下x^2-2x-3是一个整体 再加上后面那分式 我想弄懂这题 go,home,the,in,l,afternoon,fifteen,four,at连词成句. at home I five go the in afternoon 连词成句 like you why winter 连词成句 连词成句:in,home,twenty,the,four,I,usually,at,afternoon,go(陈述句) children,school,finish,home,go,and,at,about,afternoon,the,three,o'clock,in(连词成句) children,school,finish,home,go,and,at,about,afternoon,the,three,o”clock,in连词成句 圆周率=3.141592653...如果取近似值3.142,他精确到哪一位?有几个有效数字?如果取近似数3.1416呢? 圆周率的近似值在3.1415926和301415927之间,若保留5个有效数字,则近似值是多少,精确到多少位 圆周率π=3.141 592 653...,如果取近似数3.142,它精确到那一位?有几个有效数字?如 求函数f(x)=根号x+2+lg[(2x-5)平方-9]的定义域 改错school is over.the students can go to home now school is over at 4:00 A .school is closed B.Class is over C.We can go home (school is over) at 4:00 与括号意思相近的是 A .school is closed B.Class is over C.We can go home is it time for the students to go to school or go 函数y=根号2x-x^2/lg(2x-1)的定义域 函数Y=根号lg(2x -1)的定义域是要有完整的过程 三个连续的偶数之和是24三个连续的偶数之和是24,他们的最大公因数是( )最小公倍数是( )要说为什么? 函数fx=根号下1-x+lg(x-1)的定义域是 加减乘除少一点打一字 加减乘除少一点,打一字. “加减乘除少一点”是什么字?(猜字谜)