
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:37:16
what is your trouble?中文翻译 what’s your trouble?改为同义句 What's your trouble对,为什么What's your matter不对?一定是What's the matter吗? 问你怎么了是“What's your trouble”还是“What's the trouble ” 英语翻译 一空一词 让我们把瓶子装满巴 Let's[ ]the bottle[ ]water,OK? Parents must s_____ their children to school. she likes eats healthy food every dayshe likes healthy food every day这句话有毛病么 有的话怎么改啊 就是她每天吃健康食品 孩子们必须依靠他们的父母.Children must ______ ____their parents.是两个空 :______,parents must set a good example for their children.1.Generally 2.Obviously 3.Fortunately 4.Unnecessarily She eats lots of () food every day.用health的正确形式填空为什么要加y?拜托讲仔细!多谢! It t____ him twenty minutes to get there by bike and forty minutes on foot. It takes her (twenty-five minutes )to get to the factory by bikeIt is (two miles) from my home to school对括号处提问 改同义句:It takes Tina twenty minutes to get to the library by bike.(原句)改:Tina _____ twenty minutes _____ to the library by bike. What’s your opinion on friendship?写一篇简单的文章 大约100字左右 英语作文以what's your opinion on pressure为题,最好从好的方面和不好的方面写,再加个总结.字数越多越好哈~ 如何看待大学里结婚?what's your opinion on undergranduate's marrage?用英语说明更妙! What did you go there___?To help the people in need.填写介词 There are going to be nights when we struggle,and we'll need their help.'' She likes e_____ healthy food. when we are sad,we need other people to kive us comfort and encouragement的中文翻译 雅思作文,思路有点儿乱...“给出一个观点,问what is your opinion”,怎么写?用一道题举例:some people hold that students should study by themselves instead of in a group,what is your opinion?我看了一篇范文,他是这么 We need help____the music party.Can you help with music?空格内写to还是for? need help with是什么意思 People in china are working hard为什么不说 People in china work hard ______ Chinese people are brave and hard-working.A.WeB.UsC.OursD.We are 求答案及解析/_\ Bill has healthy food every day(改否定) The chinese people are the hard working people这句话这样说对吗? 大众,本田,丰田,日产,马自达,铃木,现代,起亚,别克,雪弗兰,福特,标致,雪铁龙这12个汽车品牌的汽车都有什么有缺点,综合来看,哪个牌子的汽车质量过硬,让人比较放心呢 She is in Ciass1 Grade7 改为一般疑问句怎么改啊 The teacher wanted her to come to his office.对her提问 I will always stand by your I will give it to her as soon as she(come)__beck to the office.