
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:22:44
彗星在哪儿哈雷 彗星谁知道在地球哪里? 什么是富锰渣.. 富锰渣现在价格是多少? 求富锰渣中钙镁大概含量及检测方法!急 富锰渣用来干嘛的 富锰渣属于哪个行业属于黑色金属矿采选也还是炼铁或是铁合金冶炼行业 结合我国的分配制度对现实生活中个人收入差距现象进行分析.300字左右. How are you getting on? is a question about what Samantha is doing.对吗 How are you getting on -- your job?A.for B.with C.to D.about 为什么? 初中金属活动顺序表为什么没有 锰想问下为什么没有啦 解释His dissertation, one of the first studies to analyze the role of government trade on natural resource use, helped to define the field of conservation economics. “Lucy陪你说英语”是需要买的还是直接在电脑上在下载?这个英语软件需不需要花钱? 沈阳哪儿买lucy陪你说英语 Two of trade seldom agree.翻译下.逐个词翻译 The family never agree about____shares of the property这道题怎么解答 We______(本不需要乘出租车)to the station;it's only a five- minute walk from here(need) Those are nice books. ( 同义句转换) Time snapped the logic of my fantasy是什么意思 THE ALCHEMY OF FINANCE怎么样 it is probably hard for sb to do sth push sb hard意思 谁能帮我找个"新概念英语"第一册的单词表啊?那书没单独的单词表,要有对应意思的啊!我想把它打印出来!按字母顺序最好了! not only ...but also.什么时候中间不要逗号?比如:Not only is the house expensive,but it also is far away from my company.这句话答案里头没有写逗号,逗号什么时候写什么时候不写呢? Are they your friends?怎么变单数 Are they your friends改为肯定句 Foreign Trade Univer是什么意思` foreign trade是总贸易额的意思吗?例句:The country's foreign trade in March rose 7.1 percent year-on-year to reach $325.97 billion.请问这句话的意思是不是“中国3月份实现了3259.7亿美元的贸易总额,与去年同比增 萌字代表什么意思 常用的“萌”表示什么意思? Why is trade with foreign companies more difficult than trade with domestic这是剑桥商务英语的习题, dear customers in foreign countries 什么意思