
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:05:18
流年容易把人遗忘,红了樱桃绿了芭蕉.啥意思 咬定青山不放松 立根原在破岩中写的是什么 为什么要学英语不学中国话啊?为什么全世界都要学英语呢?学别的国家语言不行吗?汉语不比英语牛X? 为什么会说中国话人人都在学,因该学英语不是吗? Help me 第三题 小伙伴们,help me.三题啊 关于一些题 .= =、help me 、1.呃 、没看过《开往春天的列车》这篇文章旳,先去看看.是关于一个捡废品旳女孩的故事.回答一个问题 .文中两次写到女孩旳目光,但这两次目光为什么有所不同.2... 结婚祝福语古文,有哪些? 英语翻译应该是Are you joking?还是Are you kidding?或者更准确的 擅长英语的回答 翻译:l'd rather drink milk without sugar than put my mother to the trouble of fetching some It is my life rather than some days.这样说对吗?It is my life rather than some days.这是我的一生而不仅是一些天 I often do some reading rather than ___(play) the computer games. 如果台湾不是中国人 ,怎么还讲中国话,写中国字.我听说2008年四川大地震时 叫周(劫轮)捐钱,((他说他不是中国人)).去他妈的半兽人. 元谋人 北京人 山顶洞人 大汶口人 河姆渡人 半坡人是不是都是群居开学就月考啊 My mother often does some shopping on saturdayMy mother often____does some shopping _on saturday 就划线部分提问 His mother often does some shopping after ciass.改为否定句 Do these student often sing the English song (被动语态) the teacher often< >(sing) english songs for her students !解释一下!(不是翻译!是解释!) Girl students often sing the songs.把下列句子变为被动句 这个怎么升到六级啊 怎样才升至六级? 急!意大利语翻译!要求准确!有追加!有一个人,在默默地喜欢着你,而你也许永远不会知道……意大利语怎么说? 意大利语翻译国内那个公司翻译最准确? This is a ______(shop\shopping)center near here.I often go there____(to do\do\doing)some接上 shopping we often go there to do some r_,_里填什么?r开头的 we often go often shopping at 3:00 p.m.改为同义句wo often __ some shopping at 3:00 __ __ __ love爱(近义词)是什么 我爱你的近义词 bowling (h ) become very popular in china 括号中应填什么? it is no wonder that travel has now become more popular than ever in 若v1=-4m/s,v2=2m/s那么v1,v2哪个大呀?位移的比大小也存在这个问题.我个人觉得v1大,因为负号只代表方向. 英语翻译赵云字子龙,常山真定人也.本属公孙瓒,瓒遣先主为田楷拒袁绍,云遂随从,为先主主骑.及先主为曹公所追于当阳长阪,弃妻子南走,云身抱弱子,即后主也,保护甘夫人,即后主母也,皆得免