
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:02:26
They went camping this time last year .翻译 郦道元《三峡》的试题 论诗的【翻译】和 约客的古诗【鉴赏】●急用! "the power of 英语翻译请帮忙找5个左右的思乡古诗句,并且要有它的翻译和赏析. 为什么玩玩具要说I like play WITH toys,不是说I like play toys.还有那些物品需要用play with Don't play with toys in class.与 don't play toys in class.有什么区别? Look!The babies_(play)with the toys 英语翻译 I'm_____(fat)this year than last year. I play with my toys. There will be___ pollution this year than last yearA.fewer B.much C.less D.many I'm ___(busy)this year than last year.用适当形式填空 There ------pollutions this year than last year.A is going to have B is going to have C will have D will be have 英语 英语.(20 11:32:2)什么是副词什么是代词还有跟这些差不多的东西都是什么意思?      The Power Of Smile 歌词 power of smile歌词的中文意思中文意思哦,万谢! Look at these photos from last Look at these photos feom last 求各位教教我 last year、next day,this evening前面要加介词吗(指last啥的,或next啥的,this啥的) 在自然数中,除2以外的偶数都是合数? 自然数中,除了0和2以外,所有的偶数都是合数是对还是错? 自然数中除了0和2以外所有偶数都是合数 《海底两万里》的读书笔记,主要内容和读后感.每个不要超过200字.要4章的内容和读后感, 从长度1,3,5,7的四条线段中任取三条,求着三条线段能够成三角形的概率.什么能教教我~ 已知:一条直线经过点A(O,4)和点B(2,0),将这条直线向左平移,使其与x轴负半轴,y轴负半轴分别交与点C,点D,且DB=DC.求直线CD的函数关系式. 如图,△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,CD是高,∠A=30°.求证BD=1/4AB图片地址:http://hiphotos.baidu.com/%D0%C4%C4%C8%C2%F0/pic/item/5f87b67c67f3977f0dd7da36.jpg 已知5+√5与5-√5的小数部分分别是a,b,求a²-b²的值 why don't you play basketball with us --_____________.A.yes ,i have B.ok ,i'd love to C.that's right D.i think it . Why don't you piay basketball with us?的同义句Ask me if you are not s_____ how to do it.Why don't you piay basketball with us?的同义句_______ _______ basketball! Why don't you play basketball with us?Yes,I have/That's right/I think so/ Ok,I'd love to选择哪个? 请你再举出一个古人勤奋好学的事例