
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:53:23
钢铁是怎样炼成的第二章读书笔记和感悟 钢铁是怎样炼成的读书笔记第一章感悟 I often play the piano( ) home. I often play the piano.如何用tomorrow来改写 请在这里概述您的问题On Sundays,I often ____.A play the football B play piano C play the violin 郑成功课文`~全文什么急```明天上课 初中语文怎么复习 郑成功这篇课文最后一段,在全文中起着什么作用 求曲线C1:y=(x+1)^2关于直线l:x+y-1=0成轴对称的曲线C2的方程 方程x^2+y^2+Dx+Ex+F=0(D^2+E^2-4F>0)表示的曲线关于直线x+y=0成轴对称,则A.D+E=0B.D+F=0C.E+F=0D.D+E+F=0 He likes play the piano(哪里错了,帮我改正过来) Liu Chang likes to play _____ basketball. Zhang Wei likes to play ______ pianoLiu Chang likes to play _____ basketball. Zhang Wei likes to play (the)piano.第二个空填the,第一个空填什么? (英语)定语、表语、状语、宾语如何区分还有如何运用 以动词开头的祈使句,动词不用加ing是么,还有,在什么情况下,以动词开头的都要变成名词性,什么情况下就不用? 一道高中英语问题,求各位老师解答!He was told that it would beat least three more months ___ he could recover and return to work.A.when B.before C.since D.that我选的是C,since难道不是接段时间吗?three more months 谁是高中英语老师?可以帮我解答题吗?谢谢! 怎么样的富兰克林 谈迁 诺贝尔 李时珍 爱迪生 齐白石?在五年级上册的第六单元里每个人要三个词语 If that's what you think,say so.怎样翻译,what什么用法 what.do.you.think.i.should.do这句话翻译成你觉得我应该怎么做?可以? 请问这句话怎么翻译?I believe that people should do what they're told. A lot of people believe that they should drink 8 glasses or 2 litres of water a day.A new report thinks d_____.The report suggests that people drink water when they feel thirsty.The report gives a guide for water amount.For example,men should get abo 谁有新东方赵丽老师讲四级词汇的视频全集,急, 新东方GRE老师,1、(宁立波)(赵丽 陈虎平)2、(刘之元 张雷冬)(杨子江)请问选哪组啊?请带上原因啊~感谢各位大侠侠女江湖救急~ Not what I do not believe you,is that we should not be together翻译成中文是什么意思? 初二下名著阅读题目及答案 我现在高一学理科,数学自己做题,一般的题目十道九道不会但看答案大部分都会了这是什么原因,请大家帮帮,我们现在上必修4,由其是向量,还有怎么学好物理, 我初中理科和高一理科没有学,只有今天一天时间! 帮忙解释下英语句子中的表语、宾语、定语、谓语、状语等.还有什么类型的词语能做什么语. 求点A(2,1)关于直线y=x的轴对称点的坐标 高中英语老师进the tax 是单数吗,为什么要用it来代指 (急!)高中英语老师进翻译:我们准备在7月15-22日或者8月15-22日准备一次英语夏令营活动,主要项目有:学唱英语歌、听英语讲座、参加英语角等,每个人必需参加一项活动. The shop is closed __ this time __ day.(at;in at;of /;of in;in)哪个正确?