
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:16:40
she said they learn by using English ''I am very glad to visit your factory, "said the visitor.直接引语变间接引语的转换 "I an very glad to visit your factory." said the visitor.把它改成间接引语是?我要正确答案,谁会?对了给你加分 Even this was remarkable,considering that she had had so many delayseven怎么看也不对,请详解 Even this was remarkable,____the numerous delays.Even this was remarkable,_____the numerous delays.A.in respect ofB.according toC.in view ofD.accounting请说明原因和意思, 英语翻译请问谁可以帮我把下面这篇自传翻成英文 (不要用翻译器翻译)家庭状况从小就居住在○○○,我的家庭成员有做油漆工的爸爸,家庭主妇的妈妈,就读国小的弟弟,和就读高中的我跟妹妹 军中之军后面是什么 the news(is) exciting.这句应不应该有is? 国人道之, “军于阏与军”中第二个军的意思如题 俄罗斯继成了前苏联多少军力 写国庆节干了什么作文 国庆节干了什么作文400字 成语接龙两条字数不限须有解释 关于成语游戏.不是成语接龙.也不是看动作才成语.比如:洞房花烛夜我_____.明天活动急用啊.玩大富翁现场版.其中有个环节我会让参与者说出三个成语,比如七上八下、一泻千里等等.说出成语 The teacher had us compare our answeThe teacher had us compare our answer with her.请分析一下这个句子的成分组成. She has got mang books ( )different subjiects .A on B ofWhy? she has a different opinionhAS A MIND OF ONE OWN there was a distant look in her eyes be lost in thought 2009年初,在美国、墨西哥发生的流感是由什么感染引起的 在墨西哥、美国流行的猪流感能在人与人之间传播吗?一般来说流感在冬季或者气温较低的季节才流行的.墨西哥现在的季节是冬季吗?这些患者是接触了猪才患病的吗? Nowadays we eat____(cook) meat. 大雨下了起来,乌云遮住了天空改病句 She has may books.变句型 My bag is red ,Jenny a ()has aMy bag is red ,Jenny a ()has a red bag my bag is red.改为一般问句,并作二个回答 Is meat better .Is meat better than vegetables and fruit?___1__ are vegetables and fruit ___2___than meat?1A.and B.or C.And D.Or2A.cheaper B.better C.more expensive D.more awful My mother is a TV reporter.对a TV reporter.题问怎么题?怎么题问? stay with my my aunt cooked nice apple pie. She my aunt. 男孩10周岁出现第二性征是怎样的 把一枚均匀的硬币抛向空中,落下后,正面朝上的可能性是二分之一()判断