
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:28:04
有关团结的美国俗语或俚语!急啊 ~~~~~ 俚语和俗语的区别是什么? 物理名人定理例:牛顿-万有引力定律爱因斯坦-相对论多多益善 乐斯菲斯羽绒服好么?想买一件 保暖么 合适么有好多型号 600 700 900 The general usedhis power,and _____ his men to fire at once.A.requestedB.askedC.conqueredD.commanded把整句话翻译一下 mei 意思例如有人在名字后面加mei,还有说一句话之后.就是 [你mei啊- -] A tall man ___ and ordered everyone to stand stillA burst out B burst with C burst into D burst in为什么选C不选D?二者不都有闯入的意思吗 cause ||| never be with you 是甚么意思 (这是一句歌词) 请问,“火箭系列”能否译为“series of Rockets'? srise suddenly think of u Today I Suddenly think of you翻译成中文 emergency response是什么意思 response,reaction,react,act请问这4个单词的区别? If I can't have you,what should I do 我CAO ,要怎么样才通过啊! HELLO MY DEAR NICE TO HEAR FORM YOU I THINK YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL 英语翻译关于化工材料的泄漏措施 英语翻译请问Exception Response怎么翻译? A female什么意 Female 如何解释?用来形容人 还是动物呢? female是不是贬义词? the way of doing 必须是the way to do 陈述句改为一般疑问句He is put the in the hole what team in()?two a.is he b.is she c.he is in d.is she提出错了 --what team ()?-- twoa.is he b.is she c.he is in d.is she in I still have a question even now ( ) you were able to persuade them to support you last week....I still have a question even now ( ) you were able to persuade them to support you last week.A.that B.how C.who D.if You(were supposed)to finish them last week为什么were suppose用这个时态和语态?这句子也不是被动啊 The boys had expect to go camping last weekend ,but then we persuade them to change their minds.A.should B.ought to C.could D.were able to 宝宝去医院做骨密度检查,说宝宝骨密度低于正常骨密度,宝宝全吃母乳,怎么办?宝宝四个月去医院检查,SOS值是2791,Z-值是-1.8,百分位数是4,后来去配的伊可新的维生素AD滴剂(0-1)岁的,除了这个 昨天他应该把所有的桌子都打扫干净了 He ___ ___ ___ clean all the tables yesteHe ___ ___ ___ clean all the tables yesterday. 六年级上册英语第三单元Let's Read改为第三人称 he______(not clean) the floor now ,he______(shave) The distance from the top of the bed to the bottom of the side,with its stroke down and adjustmentup,is the shut height of a press这句英语在模具专业英语中的翻译是什么 儿童骨强度: SOS值……3720[米/秒] Z-值……1.9 百分位数……97请问这个值好吗?有没有什么需求特别注意的地方?