
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:03:02
Many parents don't let their children do chores.They think children have ---- one thing to do.A.hardly B.onlyC.always D.almost...What?...Why? 乌龟用英语怎么说 They have a bad effect___children.A.to B.for C.on D.as We have got only five books for the children__we need ten.So I'm afraid they will have to share.A.because B.since C.when D.oncethanks! 英语翻译1 工程安全保证体系2 组织保证3 工作保证4 制度保证5 质量管理机构6 项目经理7 安全工程师8 项目副经理9 总工程师10 经营经理11 各部门部长12 各组组长13 工区每一个安全员14 基础工 英语翻译 道路施工,注意安全怎么翻译英文? 美元的中文大写应该是怎样的?美元的中文大写到底怎么写?例如USD101.11是应给写成美元壹佰零壹元壹角壹分,还是写成壹佰零壹美元壹拾壹美分?无论那一种正确,我都需要相应的正式的可以证 USD 60,205,91 如何翻译成中文大写. 49995美元 大写怎么翻译 英语同义句转换 they are no more little children急 they are more fun They are ___ (such so?) little children that then can not .我知道 such 修饰名词 ,so 修饰形容词但是也有这样的结果 He is so little a boy that .这个句子中,有 a boy,所以我能判断出 前面用 so 而不是such当后面的 农产品深加工 用英语怎么说 由24与30的所有公约数组成的集合?为什么要1*2*3=6? beef have SOme them of noodles (.) 怎样连词成句 10简单的一般过去时的句子. MrZhang does not like American English as well as British English改同义句 if you were alien整首歌的中文意思这首歌是The Brunettes唱的 i like swimming as Which subject do you like_______,English or Chinese?a.good b.well c.better d.the best He ____ any help.A.needn’t B.doesn’t need C.need D.do need为什么A不对呢,是情态动词啊 The new tourist hotel will have___for more than one thousand people使用capacities 还是accommodations?为什么答案是用后者 The famous person will give us a If a person eats more than needed.What will the body do谜底是什么 把下列句子改成一般过去时1.He finds his shoes under the bed2.They will leave Beijing for Shanghai3.Are the students singing in English?4.Li Ming doesn't do well in English5.Miss Gao isn't our English teacher “经济作物”和“粮食作物”在英语里怎么说啊? I'll help you,so you needn't worry about your eaxm.为什么要用needn't,不用need't to the old man must()politely A.be spoken B.speak C.be spoken to D.be spoken 09年6月考的6级分数出来了啊 急 If i were U. 有v+doing/to be done用法的除了require,demand,need,want之外还有什么?