
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 11:49:53
这是中国以前用过的国旗和当今用的五星红旗,这些国旗的颜色分别象征什么? 我国的国旗是五星红旗,旗面呈红色,上面的--------- 五星红旗的红色象征表是什么 五星红旗的红色象征什么 已知ab平行cd,ef平行gc,你能否推出角1=角C?说明理由. three-days与three days有什么不同?如:We’ll have a__ holiday.What about going to the West Lake? We'll have a B holiday soon.A)three days B)three-day C)three-days D)three days' 为毛不选D,还有D选项什么时候用.怎么用. a three days' holiday这种说法对吗? 中华人民共和国国旗图案中,大五角星与小五角星间关系是……问答题 We have been in Australia for three days要的是速度!选词填空:good/we/tree/animal/busy/place/more/look/fly/describeWe have been in Australia for three days.We`re having a①•• time here.Australia is the sixth largest country in t 中华人民共和国国旗,旗面的红色象征什么?大五角星代表什么? 凸透镜焦距越大,制成的眼镜度数越__?(大、小) 如何判断凸透镜的焦距在做题目中,碰到估计凸透镜的焦距,该怎么办? 怎样测凸透镜度数? 如何判断凸透镜焦距实验室有焦距为10厘米和15厘米的两种透镜 他们的镜面直径相同 但混在一起记不清楚 实验小组的同学取其中一只透镜 朝向窗子 在另一侧距透镜10厘米的墙上出现远处楼 I had three days o last week because of the bI had three days o last week because of the bad cold. she was ill for three days last week.对for three days提问 a three—day holiday a three days holidaya three—day holiday a three days holiday a three days holiday 重点是第二三个对吗? 22.The good news____that we 'll have a three-day holiday next weekA is B are C were D have been 请翻译句子和选项并加以说明原因 五星红旗红色的旗象征着什么? three fourths与three-fourth有什么不同?three-fourth of the students three-fourths和three fourths的区别就是问中间的连词符号要不要 顺便解释一下 我国国旗上的红色代表什么? 中华人民共和国国徽中心部分是五星照耀下的? 我国的国歌是什么没有了,要详情,嘿嘿杜甫是什么?(诗人) 钱学森 袁隆平 刘胡兰 方志敏 曹雪芹 You took up of an empty seat 中间填 A.three-fourths B.third-fourths C.three-four D.three-fourth three fourth和three-fourth一样么 three-fourths 和 three fourths 哪个表达方式是对的? can you end a game of hide-and-seek with three letters what is pronounced like one letter,writte with three letters,and belongs to all animals?智力题 I want to rent a room ( ) 150 yuan ( ) month,for three months.A.with,per B.for,per C.with,oneD.for,one he will stay with her parents three dava a month划线提问------------------lucy is 14 years old.Daming is 10 years old.合并为一句Liming is the most popular student in our class同义句He likes playing football划线部分提问-------------- how do you spell"mousetrap"with only three letters?英语回答并翻译 新中国的国旗——五星红旗徐徐上升,这标志着什么?五年级上册非常1+1期末复习测试卷(五)上有的五年级上册语文开国大典上的那句