
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:11:48
英语翻译General Jacobson pointed out that all of those attacks had missed their aim to some degree:none killed Americans or other foreign allies who were targeted.Most victims were Afghan civilians and police officers.At the British Council,no on 30以内4和7的公倍数. 英语翻译孙腾,字龙雀,咸阳石安人也.祖通,仕沮渠氏为中书舍人,沮渠灭,入魏,因居北边.及腾贵,魏朝赠通使持节、侍中、都督雍华岐幽四州诸军事、骠骑大将军、司徒公、尚书左仆射、雍州刺 单句改错 1.They each has an English-Chinese dictionary.2.Many a student have passed the exam.答出解 英语翻译论沈从文笔下的“湘西世界” 摘要:沈从文对“人与自然契合”的湘西世界的自然美、风物美、和人性美进行了热情洋溢的歌颂,极力追求一种古朴宁静的乡村文化景观.他在作品中 Many a student have failed in the exam(改错),并翻译 four__(five)of the students in our class have passed the exam (英语)谁教教我写话题作文?内容如下说某人在炒菜的时候 某某地方着火了 他跑去救火…… 初中英语话题作文怎么写? Most of the students have passed the exam s Wearing the soft shirt can make me cHave you r to you consin`s letter ______,all the students in our class have passed the examA)it is expected all B)we all expect C)it is expected that D)as is expected 请说明选择的理由,并翻译全句 2)he's somewhere______ A)in 50 years old B)in his fifties C)in fifty years D A lot of girls have tried,but ____have passed the examA a fewB few I wonder if you could provide me () some information about the scholarship.这儿provide 后需要...I wonder if you could provide me () some information about the scholarship.这儿provide 后需要加with吗 Can you provide me _______ some information _______ how to study English welA.for…about B.for…of C.with…about D.with…of后面这个介词用什么怎么区别啊 Can you provide me _______ some information _______ how to study English well?A.for…about B.for…of C.with…about D.with…of后面的介词用什么怎么区别? Can you provide us____ some information about the vacation?for,aboout,with,to哪个呢?为什么 could you provide me with some information about student exchange program? 疣猴是什么动物? 疣猴科有几个属 有谁知道这是植物,治疗疣,也就是猴子最近鼻子里长了个猴子,记得小时候出猴子是用一种河边长的植物,俗称大杆秤叶,是用这种植物茎叶中的白色汁叶治好的,现在不知道这种植物学名叫什么, 疣猴栖息在哪里? 疣猴是不是濒危物种? 旅游景点 英语作文 15句话左右 带中文 十年之后的我英语作文,后面带汉语翻译 初一英语快!~汉译英1.1月之后是2月根据括号里的词语填适当的词语I am _____(three)one here,and you?还有.什么时候在序数词前加定惯词 "the"? 英语翻译(1)railroad,(2)hungry,(3)passing by,(4)left(除了左边其余的翻译),(5)treat.帮下忙,好了追分 快, 快!初一英语,谢谢选择:In ______ word , I love all the beautiful things.A.a C.the What's the name ______ the movies ,do you know?A.with C.ofNow i live _____ Chine.A.on B,in D.ofwith a smile 什么 初一英语,快点 - 什么是疣状痣