
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:46:22
My brother has_____pears than me.A.many B.more C.some D.a lot of Jim writes more ___(care) than Kate and Lily 不写翻译,只写填空的原因 请问谁有 《成长的烦恼 》 007集——《标准测试》的英文剧本? haifway up the mountain we stopped to_A keep our breath B be out of breath C take breath D hold our breath Having been ill in bed for nearly a month,he had a hard time______the exam.A.pass B.to pass C.passed D.passing 请帮我翻译以下内容,谢谢企业的力量来自于凝聚力员工同心协力才有企业凝聚力.我们同心协力在生存和发展的历程中,形成了自己经营管理的个性和文化,企业的运营和发展都基于我厂对企业 he had much more apples than i改错 整理的英文词组. 按要求改句子1、松林疏疏朗朗(扩写句子)2、冬天的阳光照在脸上很温暖(改成拟人句)3、远处的高山覆盖着一层白雪.(改成拟人句)听说不能在原句子中间拆.或者修改它,只能在前或在 我能按要求改句子1.小猫非把老鼠等出来不可!(改为肯定句)2.小猫在花枝荡来荡去.(改为修辞句) 按要求改句子!1. The man gave the money to the shopkeeper for the cake.(改为同义句)The man ________ ________the cake.2.My father got up early this morning.He could catch the first train.(合成一句)My father got up early this mo 可爱英文网名要是名词哦~比如;candy smile sweety 这些的要一个比较少见的 历史上的王昭君是什么样的人 英语翻译The Trustee hereby declare that it holds the shares specified in the schedule hereto and all dividends and interest accrue upon the same or any of them upon trust for the Beneficiary and its successors in title and agrees to transfer pay 英语翻译的说的哈苏德哈萨克会的空间啊换大红灯笼的时间很短姐啊开始登记卡刷的卡号速度快大会的说的哈继电话卡时间很短姐啊思考很多华电国际经典单机售价可达三季度卡拉胶的开始 王昭君有什么贡献? 历史上王昭君怎么死的 王昭君历史上长什么样? 1. she______(not walk) in the park every day. 2. ______your brother ____ (know)English? 着急! 小学数独题,孩子明天要交,是这样的 000107000 730000091 004509800 050040080 600203009 010070020 009308600 360000078 000701000 0代表空格,每行都是竖着排列的,是九宫格 急求儒家思想里看待法治建设的句子? 小学英语补全对话,请快速回答M:We have_______food at home_____supper.______you like to go and buysome?T:Certainly.What do you want to ______?M:_______meat and some oranges.T:How_______meat and how______oranges do I buy?M:Two kilos of orang 关于王昭君的电视剧哪部最接近历史李夫人应该是汉武帝时候的吧? 历史上的王昭君昭君出塞是为何?是否是因为毛延寿作祟? 昭君和亲的历史作用一句话概括即可. is,my,the,tired,morning,in,because,goes,he,bed,to,late,father. 教学相长翻译 The person scolding me is my father.这句改为定语从句:The person who is scolding me is my father.The person who scolded me is my father哪个正确 商周奴隶的悲惨生活表现有哪些 have breakfast的意思是什么? 阅读 问:用一句话或一句诗或一句格言或一句歌词表达你对他的赞美!