
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:52:49
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.Let's not get ahead of ourselves. the dog is 30kg.对30kg提问? get the whole picture of oneself draw something out of.两个不是一起的,不好意思哦。第一个是get the whole picture of oneself 第二个是draw something out of...... He retired immediately after the end of the war. 翻译成:他在战争之后马上退休.对不自动翻译的是:他退休后立即结束战争.有点晕 -------is the dog it,stwo The dog is one .选择A year B years old C old D year old the dog is 可以写成 the dog's the dog is in the plane 可以写成 the dog's in the plane 在我们看来,dog's应该是狗的意思,但现在英语书上就是这么写的, 英语翻译So,please honor all of our fallen troops by proudly displaying the flag on Memorial Day 阵亡将士纪念日and consider donating to the charity that provides for loved ones of the fallen in Iraq and Afghanistan. 我们班要开辩论赛,题目是“晚自习讨论利大于弊还是弊大于利”,我是观点弊大于利的,谁有这样的论据 请问一首rap歌曲歌名,唱的里面有bone,bone,bone,bone……的,总之很多bone回答正确加分欧美英文的,属于嘻哈rap类型的 英语翻译翻译Prepare all of your rain gear(装备),get together all of your favorite food and play travel games together in the rain. Mr.Green has blue eyes.同义句 还看今朝的朝读音 还看今朝的还怎么读?帮一下忙,! 沁园春 雪中的“还看今朝”还怎么读? “还看今朝”中的“还”读什么音? my day 的意思是什么 Save in a day是什么意 英文不好学思科会不会难度太大? We must farmers ___ new farmland,but we should ___ ___roads.A making make B made buildC building make D making build Is the Internet the Most important method in Choosing a job 每条提问都吃掉我.我又没有用min gan词语 这是为什么! 软饮料(soft drink) 是啥东东,现在我们常见的哪些饮料是软饮料 The prize for the funniest act went to Steve Yian and his dog.因为我的分不够了 但是请帮帮忙 最后的奖归于Steve和他的狗.The last prize _____ _____Steve and his dog. 下面有10个字暗藏一首七言诗(共4句)题目是《春》,应该按什么顺序来读?10个字分别是:斜、春、雨、晴、来、访、友、家、花、径. i forget wheter i (have)seen him before.为什么不能用had? Cpk = minimum of {(USL – m ) / 3 s , (m - LSL) / 3 s } 中的S是什么含义,有什么统计意义吗?谢谢! CPK= Min[ (USL- Mu)/3s,(Mu - LSL)/3s]这个公式里面的, You should make friends as __ as possible A many B much CPK=min((X-LSL/3s),(USL-X/3s)) CPK= Min[ (USL- Mu)/3s,(Mu - LSL)/3s]中的Mu,母本的平均值?就是与X拔一样的意思了?CPK= Min[ (USL- Mu)/3s,(Mu - LSL)/3s]与CPK= Min[ (USL- X)/3s,(X - LSL)/3s]一样了?因有的资料上写成:CPK= Min[ USL- X/3s,X - LSL/3s]让我误解