
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:05:46
科学实验证明:空气中微量臭氧(O3)可抵抗阳光紫外线对人体的损害,空调冰箱的制冷剂氟利昂是一种氯氟烃(以M代替化学式),它可以破坏臭氧层,其反应过程可以表示为 M+03=MO+O2 MO+O=m+o2 可 on week 5/2009 把4个短句组成1个长句(运用恰当的关联词语)1.赣州是一个历史文化名城.2.目前赣州的文化遗存并不多.3.文化遗存是任何其它东西都无法替代的.4.在历史文化建设中,最应该保护文化遗存. 人教版英语高二的最基本的语法是哪些啊...英语超差...那位高手给我列个英语语法提纲(从最简单的开始)和必背单词. 如何高效快速背诵?RT,求教各位有经验的大虾帮助啊! day on day,week on week,year on year还有month on month;给个例句:China was the main destination taking 51,957 mt,up 85.3% month on month,while exports to the US soared 71.3% month on month to 49,376 mt in October.South Korea exported 144,448 1.on the week 2.for a week哪个对 请问英语大侠一个高二语法问题I( ) a novel written by ernest hemingway last night and another night I‘ll finish it、为什么答案是was reading?怎么不可以是have been reading The programme at the end of Channel 2 means.on TV next week.A news B programmes C people D place "on TV next week"means you can know the___of the next week The programme at the end of Channel means programmes on TV next week Eight percent of the population in this area ____Hui nationality.填is 还是are? we houp that this investment will lead to increased tourism in zhe area 是 英语翻译 刺猬的猬字还能组什么词?刺猬这个词除外. 什么的刺猬加合适的词 刺猬的猬字怎么组词 刺猬一词中 猬应读几声刺猬这一词语中 猬读轻声还是四声 a week前面加on还是什么也不加?请大哥大姐帮帮忙 the coastal area was named和named的区别 英语高手看过来(高二语法)1 I had scarcely left the house ____it began to rain A than B when C just D then2 I will buy one ___it costsA whatever B when C as D what3 he had no sooner finished his speech _____he withdrewA then B than C and Vous tutoyez vos collegues?Vous tutoyez vos collegues?为什么用est-ce que改成问句是Quels collegues est-ce que vous tutoyes? Vous pensez à vos parents.将句子的时态变成“复合过去时(le passe compose)” 求论文“十一五”期间你和你的家人的生活都发生了怎样的变化,你对“十二五”又有着怎样的期待与憧憬?字数在1100左右 Vos edutes,vous devez _ occuper.. A en B y C vous y D vous en 在线等 Un de vos amis vous montre un de ses tableaux 怎么翻译的? In this p( ) of the area,most students go to school on foot the big earthquake is still on____clthing is ______needed in this areaa,many,muchb,much,badly c,a good many of ,veryc,a large amount,very分析下为什么 Our only salvation lies in repentance,but this Our only salvation lies in repentance,but this does not guarantee that we will be chosen to go to heaven and not to hell. 下字上面一点,怎么用拼音打出来, 求助翻译:有关游泳教学的书有关游泳教学的书 英文? 天空收容每一朵云彩,不论其美丑,所以天空广阔无比仿写